The Plains, VA
Princeton University
Medical School
Duke University
What are your career goals?
Undecided! I hope to pursue a career that incorporates both inpatient and outpatient care, affords longitudinal relationships with patients and their families, and provides a platform to advocate for broader population health goals.
Reflections on the Duke Program
What were you looking for in a residency program?
A community of faculty and peers who support and enable you to be your best self.
What are the strengths of the Duke Program?
The people that make up the program! Duke attracts kind, compassionate, and thoughtful trainees and teachers - making it easy to build long-lasting friendships, with peers and mentors alike.
What are your observations about the relationships between faculty and house staff?
Duke faculty are incredibly approachable and supportive, and they work hard to create a team-based learning environment. They also go above and beyond in the ways they mentor and advocate for us.
Tell us about your co-residents. What has helped you connect, support each other, and form friendships?
My co-residents have really blown me away. No one’s path to residency has been the same, so there’s a great deal of energy to learn from one another. Despite a busy clinical schedule, it’s been easy to get together - whether for a game night, sporting event, or some live music.
What has surprised you most about Duke?
That training would be so fun! And that around nearly every corner in the hospital you get to run into one of your friends.
About Duke and Durham
What is the best thing about living in Durham and the Triangle?
The accessibility to the outdoors! And the diverse workforce in the greater Triangle area - which lends to being able to be part of many kinds of communities!
How does the Triangle appeal to people of diverse backgrounds?
I think the Triangle caters to a wide range of tastes and preferences. Between Durham, Chapel Hill, and Raleigh, there’s a great mix of urban and rural. Plus, you have the beach and mountains in either direction, making for an easy weekend trip!
Where did you choose to live and why?
We chose to live about 10 minutes south of downtown Durham - we wanted to find something with a bit more space and very little upkeep during a busy clinical schedule. It also happens to be just a few minutes from some of the best Greek food!
What advice would you give to someone looking to move to Durham?
Don't hesitate to reach out to someone who lives here already, and if you can, come visit!
What are your interests outside of medicine?
Spending time outside - especially playing pick-up soccer and running/hiking Durham’s many trails! In addition, my partner - also a Duke resident! - and I love playing tennis, watching EPL, and hitting up Durham’s local music scene!