Johnson City, Tennessee
East Tennessee State University
Medical School
East Tennessee State University
Reflections on the Duke Program
What were you looking for in a residency program?
When I sat down to do research on residency programs, there was one question that guided my search: When I finish the program, will I be able to step up to fulfill the needs of anyone, anywhere, and in any circumstance? From there, I looked for a program that had the rigor, opportunity, and the people to challenge me to reach my highest potential. Also, I was looking for a program just so happened to be close to home, be known for its food, have several sports teams in the vicinity, and be surrounded by nature with all four seasons. I found all of that and so much more here at Duke!
What are the strengths of the Duke Program?
You will hear this a lot throughout the interview season, but it's true. It's the people. Seemingly every day, I question how I am part of the same residency program as my classmates and seniors. Not only is everyone immensely talented with insane life experiences, but they are also incredible people who challenge and inspire you to be better - often just by being themselves.
What are your observations about the relationships between faculty and house staff?
I will answer this simply by saying that I have yet to meet a nurse, ancillary staff, or attending who wasn't kind, professional, and great to work with. I'm learning every day from the people I'm surrounded by.
Tell us about your co-residents. What has helped you connect, support each other, and form friendships?
The Turkey Bowl. For those not familiar, the Turkey Bowl is a Duke internal medicine residency tradition where each year on Thanksgiving day, the Duke Marines take on the VA Jets in a competitive game of flag football.
What has surprised you most about Duke?
Having come from a smaller institution, I would have to say I have been most surprised with just how down to earth everyone is and just how willing people are to help even for the simplest of questions.
About Life in Durham
What is the best thing about living in Durham and the Triangle?
For me, it's a tie between the food and the sporting environment. Seemingly every time my wife and I go out to eat, we go to a place the would be one of the best if it were located in our hometowns. Don't sleep on the Durham food scene! Also, it's hard to beat a place, where you can easily watch a Duke, UNC, Hurricanes (NHL), Panthers (NFL), Hornets (NBA), or Charlotte FC (MLS) game.
How does the Triangle appeal to people of diverse backgrounds?
My best advice would be to come experience the Triangle for yourself. Having only spent a a short time in the area, I can already tell the Triangle is a melting pot for different backgrounds, voices, and ideas, and I am lucky to call it home.
What advice would you give to someone looking to move to Durham?
If you have a dog or child, I would go ahead and try to get on a day care list the day you match.
What are your interests outside of medicine?
Sports. Sports. Sports. If I am not outside playing sports, I am either watching it or scrolling on Reddit forums reading about it.