The Program for Women in Internal Medicine (PWIM) in the Duke Department of Medicine, guided by principles of diversity and equity, aims to support, unite, inspire, and empower women faculty and trainees to achieve their highest potential in scholarship, leadership, and well-being, and thereby serves to strengthen the Department of Medicine as a whole. We specifically seek to nurture and improve the experience of women faculty and trainees in three core domains: (1) Networking and Community, (2) Scholarship and Leadership, and (3) Equity, and Advocacy. Specific efforts within these domains include:
Networking and Community
- Community building through regularly scheduled gatherings of all women faculty and trainees
- Improving work culture, including civility, psychological safety, and wellbeing
Scholarship and Leadership
- Connecting and sponsoring faculty to career development opportunities within and outside of Duke
- Monthly peer mentoring sessions
- Sponsoring career panels and invited lectureships
Equity and Advocacy
- Advocating for equity of opportunity in regard to retention, promotion, leadership attainment, recognition for women faculty
- Representing the needs of women faculty to Departmental leadership, including equitable compensation, leadership opportunities, academic promotion, and other areas that have particular or differential impact on women.
- Addressing departmental policy needs impacting women faculty

Daniella Zipkin, MD
Chair, Program for Women in Internal Medicine
Associate Vice Chair, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Jennifer Rymer, MD, MBA, MHS, FAHA, FACC
PWIM Trainee Liaison
Advisory Committee volunteers meet quarterly and bring their collective experience, wisdom and feedback to all PWIM efforts.
- Richa Agarwal (Cardiology)
- Afreen Shariff (Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition)
- Cindy Moylan (Gastroenterology)
- Neema Sharda (Geriatrics)
- Mamata Yanamadala (Geriatrics)
- Milta Little (Geriatrics)
- Joel Boggan (General Internal Medicine)
- Christie Emler (General Internal Medicine)
- Nadia Pasha (General Internal Medicine)
- Suchita Sata (General Internal Medicine)
- Rahima Zennadi (Hematology)
- Thuy Le (Infectious Diseases)
- Mary Foster (Nephrology)
- April Salama (Medical Oncology)
- Carey Anders (Medical Oncology)
- Sangeeta Joshi (Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine)
- Loretta Que (Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine)
- Patricia Lugar (Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine)
- Jennifer Ingram (Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine)
- Coral Giovacchini (Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine)
- Neelima Navuluri (Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine)
- Kai Sun (Rheumatology and Immunology)
Contact Information
Office: Duke University Hospital
Campus mail: Box 3703
Phone: 919-681-6386
Lactation Guide for Women in DOM (netid required to view pdf)