Professor of Medicine
Associate Professor of Pathology
Member of the Duke Cancer Institute
Affiliate, Duke Global Health Institute
Campus mail
DUMC Box 2615
Physical address
Rm 337 MSRB1
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC 27710
Office: 919-684-5999
Lab Members
Marilyn Telen, MD
Wellcome Professor of Medicine, Division of Hematology
Associate Medical Director, Duke Hospital Transfusion Service
Director, Duke Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center
Martha Delahunty, PhD
Research Scientist
Milena Batchvarova, M.S.
Current Studies
The Erythrocye and SCD Biology Lab focuses on the behavior and interactions of red cells and other blood cells in sickle cell disease, including especially the role of adhesion molecules on red cells and how their activity is regulated by the erythrocyte. The lab also explore the mechanisms whereby non-hemoglobin gene polymorphisms affect pathophysiology and clinical outcomes in sickle cell disease.
An additional interest of the laboratory is the physiologic and pathophysiologic roles of proteins that bear erythrocyte blood group antigens, and how genetic variants do or do not affect these functions.