10/4/17: Duke Project Management Community of Practice Launch Event

The Duke Project Management Community of Practice (PMCoP) will hold its official launch event on Wed. Oct. 4, 2017 from 4-5 p.m. in 131 Hanes House. The mission of the Duke PMCoP is to provide

  • Professional development and a professional network for project managers
  • Education and opportunities for students, faculty, and staff, and
  • A repository for best practices, tools, and resources in project management.

It costs nothing to join. By joining you’ll receive notices of all of our upcoming events both in person and webinar format. Join.

Our launch event is scheduled for Oct. 4th from 4-5 p.m. at 131 Hanes House with

  • Guest speaker Geoffrey S. Ginsberg, MD, PhD, Director of the Center for Applied Genomics and Precision Medicine and Director of MEDx
  • Introduction to the benefits of joining the Duke PMCoP and
  • Opportunities for networking.

RSVP for this event here.  

Please join and feel free to forward this information to anyone at Duke you think might be interested as well.
