We at Duke General Internal Medicine are pleased to announce two recent faculty appoinments:
David Halpern, MD, MPH, FACP - Duke Primary Care
Assistant Professor, effective June 1, 2019Dr. Halpern first joined Duke as a Consulting Associate in 2010. He has since served a number of important roles that integrate his clinical, research and academic interests, including his recent appointment to Medical Director for Quality for Duke Primary Care (DPC). Dr. Halpern received his undergraduate degree from Yale University, his medical degree from Weill Medical College at Cornell University, and completed his Internal Medicine house staff training at the University of Pennsylvania. He then completed fellowships in Geriatrics and in Preventive Medicine at UNC.
Maxim Sungurov, MD - Duke Hospital Medicine
Assistant Professor, effective January 7, 2019
Dr. Sungurove came to Duke in January from Cooper University Hospital in Camden, New Jersey. He received his graduate training in Internal Medicine at the Hospital of Internal and Occupational
Diseases in Moscow, Russia and completed his Internal Medicine residency at Cooper Hospital. He is a hospitalist at Duke University Hospital.