2012 Charity Auction to be 3/23/2012

By ajz6@dhe.duke.edu
The 12th Annual Internal Medicine Residents' Charity Auction will take place Fri., March 23, 2012  at the Durham Arts Building, 120 Morris St. Event will begin at 7 p.m., and tickets are required. The auction raises more than $10,000 each year for Senior PharmAssist, a Durham-based organization that provides financial and medication assistance to seniors with limited incomes. Online pre-bidding will take place March 14-21 at http://Tiny.cc/duke2012 . Items include an iPad 3, fine wine, restaurant gift certificates, vacation rentals, spa services, Duke basketball tickets, and much more! Ticket information: $20 in advance, $25 at the door, includes heavy appetizers and two drinks. Tickets are available for purchase at Medicine Grand Rounds, Durham Regional Hospital (page Megan Brooks) and the Durham VA Medical Center  (ACR office). Or, contact Ann.Navar@Duke.edu. [toggle title_open="For more information" title_closed="For more information" hide="yes" border="yes" style="default"]Please contact Tian Zhang at tian.zhang2@duke.edu.[/toggle]
