We are proud to announce the 5th annual GIM Excellence Awards, presented Wednesday, October 28, 2020, by our Division Chief, Dr. Ebony Boulware.
We are especially excited to see the growing numbers of nominations reflecting the recognition of eachother's excellence. Along with the names of the awardees you will see below the names of those nominated, also a significant honor. Congratulations to all!
Early Career Research Award
This award recognizes early career achievement. Criteria are scientific merit, innovation, clinical/medical impact, and quality of the research environment.
Recipient: Emily Ko, MD
Nominees: Nicole DePasquale, PhD, Emily Ko, MD
Practice Excellence Award
This award recognizes a GIM faculty member in a clinical setting, who has distinguished himself/herself and the profession by outstanding clinical performance.Practice Excellence Award.
Recipient: Noel Ivey, MD
Nominees: Rami Abdo, MD, Megan Brooks, MD, Kristy Duggan, MD, Faye Farber, MD, Noel Ivey, MD, Brice Lefler, MD, Danielle Richardson, MD, Tara Spector, MD, Brian Wolf, MD
Clinical Mentoring Award
This award recognizes excellence in clinical mentoring by a faculty member who demonstrates qualities of a trusted advisor and an influential supporter as demonstrated by the accomplishments of individual mentees.
Recipient: Bruce Peyser, MD
Nominees: Fuad Bohsali, MD, Amber Bowman, MD, Dana Clifton, MD, Bruce Peyser, MD, Brian Schneider, MD, Noppon Setji, MD
Research Mentoring Award
This award recognizes excellence in research mentoring by a faculty member who demonstrates qualities of a trusted advisor and an influential supporter as demonstrated by the accomplishments of individual mentees.
Recipient: Joel Boggan, MD
Nominees: Joel Boggan, MD, Brian Griffith, MD, Emily Ko, MD, Noppon Setji, MD, Kevin Shah, MD
Educational Excellence Award
Eligible candidates are those who consistently deliver high standards of care and are looked upon as a role model by his or her peers. Additional consideration is given to: (a) impact on education of residents and students in our midst, (b) a track record of sharing his/her expertise with other health care professionals, and/or, (c) recognized contributions and volunteer service to national organizations.
Recipient: Suchita Shah Sata, MD
Nominees: Greg Brown, MD, Laura Caputo, MD, Lily Huang, MD, Cindy Johnson, MD, Yasmin Marcantonio, MD, Nadia Pasha, MD, Cecily Peterson, MD, Pahresah Roomiany, MD, Suchita Shah Sata, MD
Quality Improvement Award
This award recognizes a faculty member(s) who leads quality improvement initiatives in General Internal Medicine that improve important aspects of clinical care at Duke. The award is intended to highlight outstanding team approaches to implementing interventions that improve both patient care and safety.
Recipient: Aubrey Jolly Graham, MD
Nominees: Joel Boggan, MD, Mark Chandler, MD, A. Christine Embler, MD, Noel Ivey, MD, Aubrey Jolly Graham, MD, Aparna Kamath, MD, Sathavaram Reddy, MD
Staff Excellence Award
This award recognizes exemplary service to the division. Eligible candidates must have been with the division for at least 1 year. Nominations were based on the following attributes: problem solving, creativity, leadership, team work and overall positive attitude.
Recipient: Clare Il'Giovine
Nominees: Cassie Bowman, Terri Day, Clare Il'Giovine, Tara Strigo
Click here to see a full listing of past excellence award winners.