This past week was the 17th year for Duke Teaching and Leading EBM, a workshop for educators and champions from across the country to be prepared for the challenges of teaching and practicing Evidence-Based Medicine. The participants meet with peers, expert faculty, and EBM mentors in a supportive learning atmosphere that promotes mutual professional growth.
This EBM program offers multiple small group sessions for tutorials and core curriculum, and 7 specifically focused large group sessions. Our own Daniella Zipkin, MD, and Poonam Sharma, MD, presented at one of the large group sessions on "Therepy" and Kenneth Goldberg, MD, presented another on "Study Designs and Harm/Risk".
"Gathering with colleagues who love EBM and love to teach is the highlight of my year! Watching learners get motivated to bring innovative EBM teaching ideas back to their institutions is a wonderful feeling."
- Daniella Zipkin, Duke GIM Associate Professor
Click here to learn more about the workshop!