Up to $50,000 available for collaborative research with SNU

Shiv Nadar University and Duke have issued a request for proposals (RFP) for research projects that build collaborative interdisciplinary research between both universities. This RFP will offer pilot funds for this collaborative research, which investigators may then use to obtain preliminary findings and larger sources of external funding. The RFP will offer up to $25,000 per year for two years; proposals are due by March 31. This year’s RFP has a focus on the intersection of global health and urbanizations, but other interdisciplinary topics may also be eligible. Relevant topic areas include:

  • cancer, CVD, hypertension and other chronic diseases
  • mental health;
  • emerging infections;
  • global pandemic and resistant drugs;
  • aging;
  • urbanization and public health challenges;
  • access to health care;
  • education and public health;
  • gender and public health concerns

Read the full announcement.  
