6/6/14: Symposium on Patient Navigation - Challenges and Opportunities

By admin2
North Carolina Oncology Navigator Association, co-lead by Duke Cancer Institute and the Lineberger Cancer Center at UNC, is hosting a symposium Fri., June 6, from 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. at UNC's William & Ida Friday Center in Chapel Hill. The topic is "Patient Navigation at the Crossroads…Challenges and Opportunities." The symposium will enable participants to understand the evolution of Patient Navigation and recognize both the challenges and opportunities of emerging models and help enable implementation efforts. Keynote speakers include Harold Freeman, MD, who is widely recognized as the founder of Patient Navigation, on Navigating the Cancer Experience, and Edward Partridge, MD, on the Deep South Cancer Navigation Network, where he has used a Patient Navigation model to address cancer health disparities of the African-American population in the rural South. "As an early adopter of Patient Navigation in Washington, D.C., I saw its power and promise firsthand as an intervention to enable all cancer patients, but particularly our under-served and vulnerable populations, to overcome barriers to access to quality health care," said Steven Patierno, PhD, deputy director of Duke Cancer Institute, in an email about the symposium. "As PI to one of the eight national clinical trial sites selected by NCI for the Patient Navigation Research Program, I have had the privilege of conducting some of the studies that have validated its efficacy." There is no charge to attend but registration is required. Click here to register and call Mary King at 919-962-1582 for registration questions. Space is limited and the symposium is rapidly filling up.
