AMIA offering 10x10 virtual informatics courses in January

AMIA logoThe American Medical Informatics Association is offering "10x10” virtual courses in bioinformatics. These courses, taught by partners such as Oregon Health and Science University, Ohio State University and Nova Southeastern University, offer a chance to learn about a variety of bioinformatics topics online. The next batch of 10x10 courses will begin in January and run through April, and include the following:

  • Interprofessional Informatics (University of Minnesota School of Nursing) - begins January 5
  • Introduction to Biomedical and Health Informatics (Nova Southeastern University) - begins January 5
  • Standards and Terminologies (University of Utah) - begins January 12
  • Introduction to Clinical Research Informatics (Ohio State University) - begins January 12

For more information, visit the AMIA’s 10x10 course webpage.
