Be a peer reviewer for SGIM22

Peer reviewer volunteers are needed to review Clinical VignettesInnovations in Healthcare DeliveryInnovations in Medical Education, and Scientific Abstracts for the upcoming Society of General Internal Medicine annual meeting (SGIM22). Peer review is a great way to contribute to the Society and to advance your career!

"We all like to see new and innovative strategies to providing healthcare," says Patrick Hemming, MD.  "Here is your chance to get an early view of the amazing new developments occurring in General Internal Medicine."  Dr. Hemming is a co-chair of the Innovations in Healthcare Delivery committee for the meeting.  

The society relies on volunteers with a diverse array of interests and expertise to review the hundreds of submissions received. These reviews ensure the content of the Annual Meeting is of the highest quality. 

How to sign up

To sign up, log in to your SGIM account and click on the top navigation link for Events then click the link labeled Reviewer Application. The sign up deadline is November 22, 2021. 

