Carl Berg, MD, professor of medicine (Gastroenterology) and medical director of abdominal transplantation, was elected the next president of the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network/United Network for Organ Sharing (OPTN/UNOS) board of directors. Dr. Berg will serve a one-year term beginning July 2014.
As president, Berg will direct the efforts of the organization that serves as the nation's organ transplant network under federal contract. His duties include leading biannual meetings of the OPTN/UNOS board, as well as serving as chair of the OPTN/UNOS Executive Committee and UNOS' Corporate Affairs Committee. He is responsible for strategic planning in areas of patient safety, achieving best use of donated organs, equitable patient access to transplantation and addressing the U.S. organ shortage by maximizing organ donation safety.
Berg served most recently as vice president/president-elect on the OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors and its Executive Committee. Read the full release here.