Call for applications: DVAMC chief resident for quality improvement and patient safety

By admin2
It is time to step up and state your case if you are interested in the chief resident for quality improvement and patient safety position for the 2015-16 academic year! Please schedule a time to meet with either Joel Boggan (, Ryan Schulteis (, or David Simel (, if interested. Candidates for the position should be willing to
  • Commit to the position full-time from July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2016
  • Be board eligible internal medicine physicians on or by July 1, 2015
  • Learn quality improvement and patient safety methodologies
  • Engage and teach residents both clinically and didactically
  • Facilitate and lead QI projects and teams at the Durham VA Medical Center, including work with the Simulation Scientists and our Operations Research Engineers
  • Be willing to work collaboratively with the other VA CRQS around the country
  • Have the ability to humor your future mentors: Joel Boggan, Ryan Schulteis, and David Simel.
Specific statistical or quantitative training is not required but is strongly considered. Sample projects, teaching initiatives and publications can be found here and here. [box type="alert"]Deadline for applications is Fri., June 13.[/box]
