It is time to step up and state your case if you are interested in the chief resident for quality improvement and patient safety position for the 2015-16 academic year! Please schedule a time to meet with either Joel Boggan (, Ryan Schulteis (, or David Simel (, if interested. Candidates for the position should be willing to
- Commit to the position full-time from July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2016
- Be board eligible internal medicine physicians on or by July 1, 2015
- Learn quality improvement and patient safety methodologies
- Engage and teach residents both clinically and didactically
- Facilitate and lead QI projects and teams at the Durham VA Medical Center, including work with the Simulation Scientists and our Operations Research Engineers
- Be willing to work collaboratively with the other VA CRQS around the country
- Have the ability to humor your future mentors: Joel Boggan, Ryan Schulteis, and David Simel.