From the Chair: Holiday message of hope

Dear Faculty, Staff and Trainees, I send these holiday thoughts a bit early because I feel the need to acknowledge the pain that we are all feeling and to offer some words of encouragement. I am sure you, like me, spent the weekend trying to make some sense out of the horror that took place Friday in Newtown, Connecticut. By the very nature of what we do, we seek answers to complex problems. We believe that with enough study, and the right data, clarity will come. While it is hard to imagine that we will ever have the answers to the deaths of 20 children and 7 adults, it is our mission to provide comfort to those in need and seek answers as best we can. My very simple hope for each of us during this season of giving  is that we respond to this horrible event by showing compassion to our patients, camaraderie to our coworkers, love to our family members and dedication to our shared work to find answers even when they appear so elusive. I wish you and your families a peaceful holiday season and look forward to the opportunities the New Year gives us to do what we can to make this a better world. Mary E. Klotman M.D. Chair, Department of Medicine Duke University School of Medicine
