Mary Klotman, Murat Arcasoy, Bill Hargett and Aimee Zaas check the Match Day list to see which medical students will be coming to Duke for internal medicine residency. The four leaders, who attended the School of Medicine Match Day ceremony in the new Mary Biddle Duke Trent Semans Center for Health Education, were delighted with the results.
UPDATE: The Internal Medicine Residency program filled all of its spots – 41 categorical, 9 preliminary (6 neurology, 1 dermatology, 1 radiation oncology, 1 ophthalmology), 6 med/peds and 2 med/psych – with outstanding applicants. The categorical interns will come from 31 different institutions, including seven from Duke and one each from Beirut and Nairobi. Twenty-two of the categorical interns are female, 19 are male.
"This very successful match reflects the excellent leadership of program director Aimee Zaas, David Butterly and our chief residents – Jason Webb, Nicole Greyshock, and Jeff Clarke – as well as Erin Payne and the entire Medical Residency Office," wrote Dr. Klotman in a message to faculty, trainees and staff. "Please congratulate them on this success."
The names and medical schools of this incoming class will soon be added to the map on the Residency website Our Residents page. Take a look and see the geographic diversity of our residents – Duke draws from an impressive expanse of the nation.