From the Dean: Statement on faculty professionalism

Earlier this summer, Dean Nancy Andrews, MD, PhD, shared with faculty and staff of the School of Medicine the following statement on faculty professionalism: As the new academic year begins, I want to thank you for the work you do to cultivate a respectful and inclusive work environment in the School of Medicine. Your daily efforts to foster a healthy work climate are integral to our productivity and success as a School. To further support these efforts, I am pleased to share with you a Statement on Faculty Professionalism, developed by a faculty committee, which articulates the School's commitment to a respectful work environment, and provides resources and support for managing situations that challenge this commitment. This statement focuses on the academic work of our faculty, and supplements existing polices for faculty and staff, including Integrity in Action (the Duke Medicine Code of Conduct), and standards of conduct as described by Duke Human Resources. I hope you will take a moment to review this document, and take special note of the resources available to you, including the Duke Integrity Line (800-826-8109), that can be used to report concerns in any domain. [ilink url="…" style="download"]Statement on Faculty Professionalilsm[/ilink]   I recognize all of the hard work and dedication you bring to this institution and want to support your efforts. Please do not hesitate to contact me or one of the school officers (listed below), if we can be of any assistance to you.

School of Medicine Officers

Dean, School of Medicine Nancy Andrews MD PhD Executive Vice Dean, Administration Scott Gibson Vice Dean for Basic Sciences Sally Kornbluth PhD Vice Dean for Clinical Affairs Ted Pappas MD Vice Dean for Clinical Research Mark Stacy MD Vice Dean for Education Edward Buckley MD Vice Dean for Faculty Ann Brown MD MHS Vice Dean for Finance and Resource Planning Billy Newton Chief Diversity Officer Judy Seidenstein
