Department leaders seek continuous improvement ideas from faculty, trainees and staff

By admin5
Faculty, trainees and staff in the Department of Medicine are invited to offer ideas for helping the Department succeed in its primary missions of research, patient care and medical education, said Joe Doty, vice chair for administration. Doty and other leaders in the Department of Medicine follow the continuous-improvement framework known as DMAIC (an abbreviation for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) in managing improvement projects for research, patient care, education, and business processes. “We all have ideas to do things more efficiently in our daily work, but many ideas don’t get formally defined and executed,” said Doty. “Our goal in the Chair’s Office is to provide a framework to move more of your ideas through the DMAIC process to make sustained improvements throughout the Department.” Members of the department can submit ideas into the Department’s DMAIC process using an online submission form on the department's intranet (login with NetID required). “We want to get as many ideas as possible,” said Doty. He said he looks forward to receiving many submissions for making positive impact in a person’s area or Division, or across the Department. The most valuable ideas will be those that describe current processes and how they can be improved, or opportunities to innovate and accomplish our missions in new, effective ways. Jim Nieman, director of human resources and member of the Medicine Continuous Improvement management group, said that the online form is not just an employee suggestion box, where notes go unanswered. Instead, submissions to the DMAIC form [link] will be considered quickly and seriously. “Submit your ideas and we will follow-up with you to discuss next steps,” said Nieman. More importantly, he said, he and the team will explore ways for you to be involved in, and potentially lead, the improvement projects. “Faculty, trainees and staff are the experts who really know the work to be impacted by the ideas,” said Nieman. Nieman and Doty said they see many opportunities for improvement projects to support all the work the Department does in serving patients, supporting the faculty and training the next generation of physicians. To submit ideas, click here. Questions? Comments? Not sure where to start? Please email the group at
