Diamantidis selected for the Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists at Duke

Clarissa Diamantidis, MD, was recently selected by the Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists at Duke for her proposal "Educational Intervention to Improve Patient Safety among Hospitalized Acute Kidney Injury Survivors." Dr. Diamantidis is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in both General Internal Medicine and Nephrology and is known for her disparities research. 

The fund assists Junior faculty members who may face the challenge of working to establish academic careers while simultaneously managing significant caregiving responsibilities. These competing demands make it challenging to succeed in an increasingly competitive grant funding environment, and can be an obstacle to retaining physician scientists at research-intensive academic institutions. Supported by an award from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and Dean Nancy Andrews, the Fund will provide supplements of $30,000-$50,000 per year to physician-scientists with significant caregiving responsibilities. 

"Receipt of this award is a testament to Duke’s recognition of the tenuous balance between personal and professional obligations, and acknowledgement that for many of us, the real work just begins when we leave the office.  I am honored to be a recipient of such a remarkable and innovative award." - Clarissa Diamantidis, MD

The other recipients of the fund are Anthony Sung, MD (Hematological Malignancies and Cellular Therapy), and Jennifer Gilner, MD, PhD (Obstetrics and Gynecology). 
