DOC launches "D*O*C Dispatch" eNewsletter

How do you communicate information to a clinic that includes around 10 non-clinical staff, 10 nurses/medical assistants, 70 residents, 6 attendings, multiple preceptors, and numerous clinicians from many other disciplines?  That’s been an on-going discussion at the DOC and now the team is trying something new!  The D*O*C Dispatch is a topical e-newsletter focused on snippets of information (for busy doctors) at a layperson level (for clinical and non-clinical staff alike).  Thus far, topics have included series on various clinic initiatives and resources. 

"It is our hope that everyone will learn more about the DOC and how we all add to the care of our diverse patients!"

- Jan Dillard, DOC Clinical Social Worker

"There is a new topic each month and then the weekly e-mails on that topic," explains Dr. Gregory Brown, a DOC attending who authored the first 2 dispatch emails.

Below are the three latest issues of the D*O*C Dispatch, or check out the online archive here.
