As we celebrate Women’s History Month, it’s important to take a moment to note the value of gender equality in the workplace. Gender equality starts with recruiting, and can shape the entire culture of an organization. The Department of Medicine Human Resources team has highlighted four key points to promote gender equality in our hiring practices and workplace culture.
- Center your recruitment around diversity: Build a diverse and equitable workplace by creating unbiassed and inclusive job descriptions, utilizing gender-diverse candidate pipelines, assembling diverse interview committees, and conducting fair and unbiassed interviews.
- Explore and encourage equality in succession planning and promotions: Succession planning is an important part of effective talent management. Avoid gender bias in promotional practices by supporting visibility and growth for all employee. Ensure training opportunities are available equitably, and develop clear career paths and educate employees about what is available to them.
- Apply fair rewards and recognition practices: Employee recognition acknowledges employees for their contributions, and reinforces that employees’ efforts are recognized and valued. Equitable recognition practices ensure all employees are given the opportunity to be rewarded fairly; it creates rapport with supervisors and helps the employee establish respect among peers.
- Encourage women to establish mentor relationships: A recent study from Concordia University (Learn More Here) revealed that mentoring often helps the mentor as much as the mentee because the mentor gains leadership skills through the interactions with the mentee. The research suggested that the more mentors provided mentoring support, the more they saw themselves as leaders. They also gained confidence in their leadership capabilities. Encouraging women to take on a mentoring role enhances leadership skills, builds confidence and helps promote gender equality in the workplace.
HR Reminders and Updates:
Annual Staff Appraisal Timeline
- We have asked all Division Administrators to confirm Appraiser/Appraisee relationships by emailing changes to Department of Medicine Human Resources - DoMHR@dm.duke.edu
- 4/1/2023 – Rollout Annual Self-Assessments writing for staff. (more information to follow-soon)
Minors at Duke
The Minors in Duke University Programs Policy ("Policy") promotes the welfare and safety of Minors who visit Duke's campus and Minors who participate in Duke programs or activities. Learn More Here. Interested in establishing a Minor’s Program – Contact our office at DoMHR@dm.duke.edu