DoM posters recognized at Duke Medicine Patient Safety and Quality Conference

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UnknownThe Department of Medicine and Internal Medicine Residency Program were well-represented at the 9th Annual Duke Medicine Patient Safety and Quality Conference. Below find a list of DoM winners and participants: Winner: Rebecca Kirkland Award Cefaretti, M, Smith, B, Causey, H, Bowlby, L, Cheely, G, Cho, A, Dillard, J, Johnson, B, Knutsent, K, Rutledge, C, Simo, J, Bae, JG. “Impact of Transitions of Care Services in an Internal Medicine Clinic Population.” Runner-up Jolly Graham A, Bae JG, Clark A, Timberlake S, Isaacs P, Chen L, Wright S, Buckner C, Thompson L, Martt R, Clausen J, Stillwagon MJ, Spurney Y, Setji N. “A Flash in the (Bed) Pan or Sustained Success? The ‘Just Pull It’ Campaign One Year Later.” Runner-up Broderick, K, Hunter, W, Sharma, P, Schulteis, R, Zaas, A, Bae, JG. “Doctor Who? A Study of Patient Provider Awareness.” Ruopp, M, Govert, J, Holland, T, Stillwagon, M, Velaquez, B, Shah, B, Bae, JG. “The Accuracy of Identification of Patients with Pneumonia Through Administrative Data and Impact of Clinical Re-Classification on Readmission Rates.” Unknown-1Mercer, T, Bae, JG, Velazquez, M, Setji, N. “The Highest of Utilizers of Care: Individualized Care Plans to Coordinate Care, Improve Health Care Service Utilization and Reduce Costs at an Academic Tertiary Care Center.” Boole, L, Seidelman, J, Zaas, A, Cheely, G, Chudgar, S, Clarke, J, Gallagher, D, Jolly Graham, A, O’brien, C, Setji, N, Shah, B, Thomas, S, Bae, JG. “Residents Finding Their Roots: Resident Workshops to Improve Patient Safety on the Wards While Teaching Residents Root Cause Analysis.” Seidelman, J, Hansen, J, Ray, E, Giattino, S, Zaas, A, Bae, JG, Boggan, J. “Increasing Hand Hygiene Compliance Amongst Medicine Housestaff Through Performance Incentives.” Elmariah, H, Thomas, S, Boggan, J, Zaas, A, Bae, JG. “The Burden of Burnout: An Assessment of Burnout Among Duke University Internal Medicine Residents.” Swaminathan, A, Boggan, J, Patel, S, Bae, JG. “We Follow-Up: Improving Follow-up, communication, and documentation of outpatient test results by Duke Residents.” Shah K, Mitchell A, Lehman EP, Oloruntoba B, Elmariah H, Halbe J, Cheely G, Bae JG. “A Stakeholder Driven Project to Improve the Safety of Outside Hospital Transfers.” Dotters-Katz, S, Fass, M, Ross, I, Silberman, A, Bae, JG. “Resident Response to Wellness Tools and Interventions.”
