DOM Research Retreat is 2/1/2012

More than 150 faculty members from the Department of Medicine and other departments in the School of Medicine will gather Wed., Feb. 1 at the Nasher Museum of Art for the second annual DOM Research Retreat. The retreat will feature presentations and discussions exploring current and future opportunities for collaborations within the department, the School of Medicine and throughout Duke – especially those that could lead to program project grants and multi-site collaborations. Breakout discussions will explore opportunities in these areas:
  • Transplant
  • Inflammation/Fibrosis
  • Cardiovascular
  • Obesity/Metabolic Syndromes
  • Thrombosis
Learn more about the many initiatives that resulted from the 2011 DOM Research Retreat in Research Retreat – results from 2011, plans for 2012. If you are a faculty researcher but have not yet RSVPd for the retreat, please visit this page.
