Duke Raleigh CEO Vinsel to retire at year's end

By admin2
Victor Dzau, MD, chancellor for health affairs and CEO of DUHS, and William Fulkerson, Jr., MD, executive vice president of DUHS, announced the following news by email yesterday. It is with a deep sense of gratitude and recognition for his tremendous contributions to the Duke University Health System that we share with you that Doug Vinsel, president of Duke Raleigh Hospital, has announced his retirement. Doug's performance in leading Duke Raleigh Hospital to its position today as a key component of the success of DUHS has been outstanding. Duke Raleigh's evolution from a community, general hospital to much more of a specialty hospital with vastly improved clinical technology and facilities is directly attributed to Doug's leadership. Doug will continue in his current role through the end of this calendar year during which time we will share plans related to future leadership for Duke Raleigh. While we're sorry to be losing a person of Doug's caliber as part of the senior management team, we're happy that after a 40-year career in healthcare administration Doug will be able to spend more time with his family while also working on becoming a better tennis player, golfer and fisherman. We have talked many times about the fact that bringing Doug to Duke Raleigh almost seven years ago was among the best decisions we have made. We're sure you all join us in expressing our thanks to Doug for his service to Duke in this important role, and our best wishes in his retirement.
