Duke resident papers featured on Health Affairs list of Top 10 list for 2016

The blog for the journal Health Affairs has recognized two papers by current Duke internal medicine residents on its list of top articles for 2016.

Ben Ranard, MD, MS, an intern in the internal medicine residency program, was first author on the article "Yelp Reviews Of Hospital Care Can Supplement And Inform Traditional Surveys Of The Patient Experience Of Care," and intern Wynn Hunter, MD, MHSc, was last author on the article "Study of Physician and Patient Communication Identifies Missed Opportunities to Help Reduce Patients' Out-of-Pocket Spending."

The list was compiled by Health Affairs Editor-in-Chief Alan Weil who says, "My list of articles covers a broad range of topics. Many of these articles analyze the effects of a specific policy; others raise the profile of issues that deserve more attention. Some articles had unexpected findings. Their shared attribute is that the authors chose to focus on interesting and important questions.  These are my favorites for the year — whether they are yours or not, I hope you find them interesting, enjoy reading them, and learn something from them." Read the full post.


