Enterprise-Wide Planning recommendations available

By ajz6@dhe.duke.edu
Victor J. Dzau, MD, chancellor for health affairs and CEO of DUHS, provided an update on the Duke Medicine Enterprise-Wide Planning activities to School of Medicine faculty today. The four working teams – Clinical Alignment; Research Optimization; Redesigning Education; and Programs of Distinction – completed their work and have provided recommendations for moving forward. These recommendations, as well as a review of the work done to arrive at those recommendations, are available on the EWP intranet site (requires login with DHE username and password).
To be sure, some of these recommendations will be implementable immediately, or in the near term, and others will still require additional study and refinement prior to potential adoption and implementation. Before we adopt these recommendations, it is important that we receive faculty feedback, comments or suggestions, and incorporate them in the final document.
Faculty members are asked to review this document and give input within the next 30 days.
