Clinician researcher, Kevin Shah, MD, isn't new to Duke GIM, but he did recently transition to a regular rank faculty member in the division. Learn more about him in our interview and video below!
Where do you work?
I work at Duke Primary Care, both administratively and clinically at Sutton Station.
What is your title?
Medical Director – Primary Care Innovation and Improvement; Medical Instructor Department of Medicine
What are your interests in the field?
Quality Improvement, Population Health, Education. A lot of my current work is on evaluating and implementing DPCs quality metrics, optimizing referrals, developing our population health infrastructure, doing a variety of clinical projects, and working with students and residents who are working on projects in our field.
How did you get in to this specific field?
I came to Duke because it had a great medicine program, and it had the Management and Leadership Pathway (MLPR). I was lucky to be involved in setting up the Duke ACO, and doing a lot of quality improvement work. As part of this experience, I had the chance to work with Dr. Owens and the Duke Primary Care team, and they were generous to create this role for me.
Is there any research you are doing or plan on doing?
I have been working with several GIM and Medicine colleagues (Hayden Bosworth, Blake Cameron), we have been doing a lot of work in several areas. They include: evaluating the effectiveness of our specialty referrals process, implementing E Consult pilots in several specialties, and evaluating the impact of a PSA screening algorithm on patient care. The work has led to submitted publications which are currently under review. Many thanks to Hayden, Blake, and our fantastic medical students who were instrumental in this work.
What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?
My wife and I recently got married and we love to travel. Have been to Italy and Greece this year, and will be in India in January. We also love to eat out – you can often find us during opening week at many local restaurants! (See photo to the right of Dr. Shah and his wife in Positano on their honeymoon)
Any recent books you’ve read that you’d like to share?
I recently read Team of Teams by Stan McChrystal. It’s a fascinating leadership book about the challenges of fighting an insurgency in Iraq, and how the US Military transformed itself. The topic is different, but many of the lessons he shares are applicable in health care.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I grew up in a very small town (4K people) in Pennsylvania – my first time living permanently outside of Pennsylvania was when I came to Durham.
What is your favorite restaurant?
This isn’t a fair question! Top 3 in the triangle: Mateo, Vin Rouge, Bida Monda (in Raleigh).
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
DPC is doing a lot of great work, and we’re looking for great people to help.