Five faculty receive awards at Spring Meeting

By admin2
At the School of Medicine's Spring Faculty Meeting on May 6, the following Medicine faculty were honored with awards: James A. Tulsky, MD, professor of medicine (General Internal Medicine) and chief, Duke Palliative Care, received the Research Mentoring Award for excellence in clinical science research mentoring. Marilyn J. Telen, MD, professor of medicine (Hematology) and associate professor of pathology, received the Research Mentoring Award for excellence in translational research mentoring. Thomas M. Bashore, MD, professor of medicine and senior vice chief (Cardiology), received the Leonard Palumbo, Jr., MD, Faculty Achievement Award, which recognizes a member of the School of Medicine faculty who displays dedication to compassionate patient care and excellence in the teaching and mentoring of young physicians. Laura P. Svetkey, MD, MHS, professor of medicine (Nephrology) and vice chair for Faculty Development and Diversity, received the Excellence in Professionalism Award, which recognizes the importance of promoting ethical and professional behavior within our community. Aimee Zaas, MD, MHS, associate professor of medicine (Infectious Diseases) and molecular genetics and microbiology and program director for the Internal Medicine Residency Program, received the Master Clinician/Teacher Award. Congratulations to them all.
