Funding opp: Bass Connections Project Proposals

Bass Connections is now accepting proposals for 2018-19 project teams. The deadline for applications is Nov. 3, 2017.

The program supports year-long team-based research projects that engage faculty, undergraduates, and graduate/professional students in interdisciplinary exploration of major societal challenges.

For some faculty, Bass Connections funds a pilot research project that lays the groundwork for external grant proposals. For other faculty, Bass Connections offers an innovative teaching model and an opportunity to mentor students in a small group atmosphere. For still other faculty, Bass Connections is an opportunity to initiate or deepen engagement with a community organization or other collaborators outside of Duke who can provide input into the construction of research questions and translate research findings into action.

Any faculty member may submit a proposal. Graduate students, postdocs, and trainees/fellows may also propose projects, but all projects must have at least one faculty leader.

The proposal guidelines and template are available on our website. We also want to call attention to opportunities that are new this year:

Bass Connections Open

Faculty may now propose a project that meets the three core connections of Bass Connections – but does not align with one of the five existing themes – by applying through the new open channel.

Special Funding Opportunities

Due to several gifts, we can support proposals that take advantage of opportunities in the following areas:

  • Ethics
  • Arts
  • Humanities
  • Biodiversity Conservation
  • Sustainable Energy Transitions

Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Studies Ed Balleisen ( and the Director of Bass Connections, Laura Howes ( are available to speak with any faculty member who has questions.

In addition, we’re hosting a series of information sessions, along with two faculty members who have previously led teams. Light meals will be served at each session. Faculty members are welcome to attend any session that fits their schedule, though each session has a particular thematic focus.

  • Sept. 20, 12-1 p.m.
  • Sept. 27, 8:30-9:30 a.m.
  • Sept. 27, 12-1 p.m.
  • Sept. 29, 12-1 p.m.
