Funding opp: Baxter Young Investigator Awards program

The eighth annual Baxter Young Investigator Awards program is underway and currently accepting applications.  The deadline for application submission is June 30, 2016. The program is intended to recognize research applicable to the development of therapies and medical products that save and sustain patients’ lives. 

Awardees will may win one of the up to six first place awards of $2,000 or one of the up to 10 second place awards of $500. First place winners will also receive travel and two nights accommodations to visit the Baxter R&D facility in Round Lake, Illinois, where they will present their research to the Baxter R&D community at an awards ceremony on Oct. 13, 2016.

Scope & Criteria of the Award

Competitive applications will describe active research which clearly and concisely demonstrates direct relevance to the practical application and understanding of the following therapeutic areas .

  • Renal, e.g., peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis, continuous renal replacement, or multi-organ extracorporeal support.
  • Surgical Care, e.g., hemostats, sealants or inhaled anesthetics
  • Fluid Systems, e.g., intravenous fluids, parenteral nutrition, oncolytics, compounding, infusion devices, or health information technology solutions and services.

Developments in technical areas to support these therapeutic areas are also considered, to the extent that the development is critical to the advancement of application or understanding of the therapy.

Research Description

The application should clearly describe the connection between the research and the above critical care therapies or products. The length should not exceed two pages (including figures and references), with 1” margins and font size ≥ 12pt. The applicant’s scientific advisor should also send a letter that confirms the enrollment or postdoctoral status, details the applicant’s contribution to the research, distinguishing it from the efforts of other supporting team members, and establishes the significance of the contribution to its relevant scientific discipline. Although these letters should be concise, the scientific advisor is welcome to discuss unique circumstances which may be relevant to the applicant’s contribution.

Click here for additional details.
