The Joseph and Kathleen Bryan Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center at Duke University has announced a request for collaborative project proposals to be included in its NIA grant submission. The Bryan ADRC will be applying for funding as part of the recent RFA AG-15-002 for budget period: 07/01/15-06/30/20.
The Bryan ADRC research focuses on Novel Mechanisms and Approaches in AD Discovery, Treatment, and Prevention. New and established investigators who are conducting research relevant to this theme are invited to submit proposals for consideration in the Center submission. Studies in basic or clinical biomedical, epidemiological, caregiving, educational, or behavioral research in Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders are eligible.
If funding is awarded, projects will be funded at $100,000/ year direct support for up to 5 years across the entire project period. Interested investigators may submit a one page proposal summarizing the proposed line of research. Following an internal review, the projects to be included in the Center application for competitive review will require submission of a complete project description in NIH format by April 15.
[box type="alert"]Deadline for receipt of page proposals is Mon., March 3. [/box]
The intention of the funding is to allow new investigators to the Bryan ADRC the opportunity to develop novel lines of investigation, complementary to existing lines of research.
- Projects will be judged based on the potential to lead to new insights in pathogenesis of AD or their promise in identifying novel targets for treatment.
- Special consideration will be given to projects that utilize biospecimens in the Bryan ADRC biorepositories (brain material; DNA) or include the diverse pool of research participants from the Bryan ADRC subject registries that include cases of Mild Cognitive Impairment due to AD and controls (Memory Disorders Clinic patients & Normal participants in the AD Prevention Registry).