Funding opp: Duke AHEAD and Duke IPEC education funding

Duke AHEAD and the Duke Health Center for Interprofessional Education and Care (IPEC) are pleased to join forces to offer project funding for Duke faculty and affiliated health professionals engaged in education program development for students enrolled in professions specific degree programs at the Schools of Medicine and Nursing—this includes Doctor of Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant, Doctor of Medicine, and Nursing (ABSN, MSN, DNP).

This funding mechanism is intended to provide support for innovative new curricula aimed at students from two or more professions to learn “about, from, and with” each other. Our purpose is to support the development of programs that will provide students authentic experiences in interprofessional education and care. 

Our aim is to fund one project in an amount up to $10,000, and up to three projects up to $5,000 each. Support will be limited to resources and services necessary for project implementation, with up to 25% of the total budget to allow for PI salary support if necessary. The grant review committee reserves the right to award funds based evaluation of the submitted budget on the number of applications received.

Read the full call and submission details.

Letters of intent are due Dec. 20, 2019 at 12 p.m.

Full proposal due Feb. 10, 2020 at 12 p.m.
