Funding opp: Duke CTSI/NC State Translational Research Grant

The Duke Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) is partnering with NC State University’s Office of Research, Innovation and Economic Development (ORIED), as well as NC State’s Comparative Medicine Institute (CMI), to support new inter-institutional collaborative research teams.

This Duke/NC State Translational Research Grant offers $50,000 (half from each institution) for 12 months to fund novel clinical and  translational research that applies or accelerates discovery into testing in clinical or population settings. 

CTSI and NC State are interested in the following types of translational research projects:

  • Research that generates translational discoveries relevant to human health or disease, regardless of whether the context of the discovery is the laboratory, in animal models, or the field.
  • Research that applies or accelerates discovery into testing in clinical or population settings
  • Development and/or evaluation of the evidence base that changes practice.
  • Research that investigates how practice improves health policy, health outcomes, and the health of populations.

Research areas of interest include, but are not limited to, collaborations involving: 

  • Medical textiles and biomaterials
  • Large animal model-based translational medicine
  • Manufacturing of biomaterials and scale-up
  • Personalized biomedical sensor platforms
  • Epidemiology of environmental toxicant exposure

Projects must demonstrate high translational potential with a clear path to subsequent grant support, new company formation, licensing, not-for-profit partnering, or other channels. Population health improvement projects should demonstrate significant stakeholder involvement to move it more globally into broader practice patterns, clinical guidelines, and other applications.


  • Application Submission Deadline: March 9, 2017
  • Selection of Awardees: June 2017 
  • Funding Period: The budget period is for 12 months beginning July 1, 2017 and ending June 30, 2018

Learn more and download the full RFA.
