Funding opp: Duke/Duke-NUS research collaborations pilot projects


Duke School of Medicine and the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School in Singapore have announced a call for proposals for collaborative research pilot projects between faculty based in Durham with those based in Singapore.

The ultimate goal of this program is the development of international research teams that advance translational and clinical research, including research on medical technologies. Translational research is defined as research with an aim toward human application.

For each project, up to US$100,000 will be available to the Duke PI and SGD$100,000 to the Duke-NUS PI. Awards are for one year, but a no-cost extension of an additional year would be granted upon request. Applications will be evaluated according to the scientific merit of the proposal and the strength and clarity of the collaboration between the Duke and Duke-NUS co-PIs. 

Letter of Intent

Faculty interested in submitting a proposal should send a one- to two-page letter of intent describing the nature of the proposed project and names and NIH Biographical Sketches (see below) of the Principal Investigators from Duke and Duke-NUS to Patricia Joseph at, by Nov. 13, 2015.

Completed applications are due Jan. 15, 2016.

For the purpose of this award, Duke-NUS faculty are defined as being based primarily in Singapore, and includes physicians in SingHealth who hold an appointment with Duke-NUS 

For more details, download the attached RFP.
