Funding opp: Greenwall Foundation bioethics grants program

By admin2
The Greenwall Foundation will fund a bioethics grants program, Making a Difference in Real-World Bioethics Dilemmas, to support research to help resolve an important emerging or unanswered bioethics problem in clinical care, biomedical research, public health practice, or public policy. Under this RFP, we will fund five types of bioethics research grants:
  • Mentored projects
  • Senior collaborations,
  • Normative analyses of implications of empirical research conducted with other funding,
  • Empirical projects.
  • Empirical studies of attitudes of clinical trials participants to sharing clinical trials data, which is described in greater depth below.
The first three types of proposals generally will receive priority if the requested time frame is one-year or less, and the annual budget is below $60,000. Because of the nature of empirical projects, the fourth and fifth types of proposals may have longer timelines and larger annual budgets. Letters of intent for this cycle must be submitted online by 4 p.m. ET on Aug. 1. Click here to read the full RFP and for application details.
