Funding opp: MEDx Inter-School Colloquia 2015

MEDx is pleased to announce its inaugural RFP to provide support for interdisciplinary colloquia that bring together physicians, engineers, computer scientists, and basic and/or clinical researchers with a common desire to combine the elements of medicine, biomedical science and engineering to solve complex problems and inspire innovation.

MEDx is a new entity at Duke created in 2015 to enhance existing ties and foster new interdisciplinary collaborations between the School of Medicine and Pratt School of Engineering. The goal of MEDx is to better achieve the two schools’ many shared goals:  1) developing new therapies, diagnostics and devices; 2) accelerating basic science and its translation into clinical practice; 3) creating innovative educational opportunities for students; and 4) improving the quality and effectiveness of patient care. 

FUNDING:  Awards of up to $5000 will be provided to support each successful proposal. Funds can be used to cover food, meeting venues, external speakers or other meeting costs.

REQUIREMENTS:  Proposals must be submitted by teams representing both the School of Medicine and the Pratt School of Engineering.  Applicants for funds must be from at least two faculty members – at least one with a primary appointment in a School of Medicine (SoM) department, and the other in a Pratt department. Faculty from other disciplines and schools may also join the Pratt-SoM teams. 

Meetings may have any format (e.g., small monthly dinner meetings, larger quarterly meetings, other approaches), but should be designed to bring together faculty members (and possibly students) with diverse perspectives. Preference will be given to proposals that articulate a plan to sustain interactions - beyond the initial colloquium supported by MEDx - and/or prepare joint grant applications to federal agencies or industry.

PROCESS:  Applications should be submitted online using the link below. All submissions must be received on or before Oct. 15, 2015.  The online application form can be accessed at:

NOTIFICATION:  Successful applicants will be informed by Nov. 15, 2015, and will have until Sept. 1, 2016, from the start of funding to spend the award.
