Funding opp: one month academic leave at Duke-NUS

By admin2
The Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore (Duke-NUS) has announced a call for applications from Duke faculty members interested in spending one month at Duke-NUS with the primary goal of engaging in an academic collaborative project either at Duke-NUS or its partner in academic medicine, SingHealth. The visit may occur any time during 2013. Interested faculty should submit a NIH-style biosketch and a 2-3 page letter describing the overall academic purpose of the project, how this activity would enhance their Duke program,  and the identification of a specific host investigator at Duke-NUS or SingHealth for the visit. Letters should indicate the proposed date for the visit. [box type="info"]Applications must be received by October 31, 2012. [/box] Applications will be reviewed by a panel of senior staff of Duke and Duke-NUS, with selections announced by December 1, 2012. Awards will be made contingent upon all necessary approvals, including that of your Department Chair. Business class travel, accommodation in a 1- or 2-bedroom serviced apartment, per diem of S$100/day to cover costs associated with food and local travel for the days in Singapore, and transport to and from the airports in Durham and Singapore will be provided. Funding of compensation is also available for this academic leave and will be coordinated with the faculty member’s Department Chair. Please submit applications electronically to Ms. Patricia Joseph, Director, Office of Duke-NUS Affairs, at
