Grant boilerplate language for DukeQuEST -omics approach

DukeQuEST - Duke Quality and Excellence in Scientific Translation - is Duke's response to concerns about quality in the rapid translation of laboratory science into clinical application. Below is the paragraph that faculty should consider using in the Facilities section of grant applications to inform outside reviewers that Duke School of Medicine has a program in place to ensure that –omics research is conducted under strict standards.
Duke Quality and Excellence in Science Translation (DukeQuEST) is a comprehensive institutional approach to assure rigorous standards for translation of laboratory results into clinical applications. It has four component areas: (1)Scientific Culture and Accountability (ensuring a culture of quality, integrity, and open discourse), (2) Data Provenance (best practices in data management and traceability from raw source data to final product), (3) Quantitative Expertise (involvement of biostatisticians and/or bioinformatics experts from study design through implementation and analysis), and (4) Scientific and Conflict of Interest Review (identification, reporting and appropriate management of both individual and institutional conflicts of interest). For more information please refer to the DukeQuEST website,
