Grant writing workshops from SOM, will fill fast

Registration is now open for two excellent Grant Writing workshops at Duke:

“Write Winning Grants” provides step-by-step instructions for how to craft a winning proposal. The seminar is geared toward faculty who are actively writing grants, and includes material on the shortened NIH format and changes in the peer review process. (July 20, full day session)

New this year, “Strategies for Maintaining Long-Term NIH Grant Support” will drill into the new NIH format and provide mid-career and senior faculty with advice for achieving their long-term funding goals. Topics will include renewals and resubmissions, and advanced techniques for writing to the 12-page format. (July 19, half day session)

 Stephen Russell, DVM, PhD, of the widely acclaimed group Grant Writers’ Seminars and Workshops LLC, will present both sessions. Complete descriptions of both seminars are below. Space is limited and seats are expected to fill up quickly, so sign up now if you wish to attend. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis and faculty will be given priority. You should only plan to attend one of the two seminars. If you have questions or need any additional information, please contact Jessica Womack at (919) 684-4139 or Write Winning Grants Fri, July 20, 2012, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. The Searle Center Lecture Hall

This seminar will comprehensively address both practical and conceptual aspects that are important to the proposal-writing process. Emphasis will be given to topics such as idea development, identification of the most appropriate granting agency, how to write for reviewers, and tips and strategies that are of proven value in presenting an applicant's case to reviewers. Participants will be taught to organize their presentations using a linear progression of logic, which leads reviewers through their applications. Each participant will receive a grant writing workbook to take home.

This seminar is appropriate for all SoM faculty who are actively writing grants. Click here to register for Write Winning Grants Strategies for Maintaining Long-Term NIH Grant Support Thurs., July 19, 2012, 1-5 p.m. FCIEMAS Schiciano Auditorium

This seminar will discuss ways to maintain an NIH-funded research program long-term. The session will drill into the NEW NIH FORMAT. Topics will include strategizing about when and how to prepare for your next application, steps for preparing a renewal, and advice for managing resubmissions. The session will include an abbreviated version of key points from the popular Write Winning Grants seminar. These sections will focus specifically on effective use of the shortened NIH application format. Each participant will receive a grant writing workbook to take home.

This seminar is appropriate for mid-career and senior faculty, or those who are already grant funded. Click here to register for Strategies for Maintaining Long-Term NIH Grant Support
