Nathan Gray, MD, has many talents. Not only is he a physician specializing in Palliative Care and Internal Medicine, he is also an amateur cartoonist. This time his work has been published in the most recent issue of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine's AAHPM Quarterly. His work entitled, Some Things Shouldn't be Animated, features a physician, a crying patient and an empathy robot with the caption: "I've never been good at giving bad news. Perhaps you'd like to spend a few minutes with our hospital's new empathy robot."
"It definitely feels like compassion is often being outsourced in modern medicine," says Gray.
As of 3/26/18 this cartoon attracted 6 "comments", 78 "likes" and 42 "retweets"!
For more from Dr. Gray visit his website collection: The Ink Vessel, cartoons on life and medicine.
Follow on Twitter: @NathanAGray