Helping those picking up from superstorm Sandy

A message from Mary Klotman, MD, chair of the Department of Medicine: While we in Durham were barely brushed by Hurricane Sandy, the enormity of this past week's superstorm and the damage it caused in New York, New Jersey and other states is now all too real. As happens after most natural disasters, medical professionals have distinguished themselves in working long and hard to care for their patients, neighbors and others – even when their own hospitals and clinics and homes have sustained damage. Families throughout the region are struggling, and I encourage everyone here in the Duke Department of Medicine to find some way to reach out and help them. See a list of ways to help. Giving blood is one good way to help our medical colleagues up North. You can always give blood at the American Red Cross Durham Blood Donation Center. We'll update this post when we learn about the next on-campus blood drive.
