Internal Medicine Residency News, April 27, 2020

From the Director

We are heading into May this week – which means gearing up for end of year deadlines, activities and unconventional celebrations. Please see the emails from Dr. Arcasoy regarding submissions for the FIRST EVER virtual Resident Research Grand Rounds. We look forward to the chance to showcase the outstanding work you have done with your mentors this year. 

Rising JARs, we will be hosting your “Rising JAR Retreats” virtually this year – pay attention to the emails from the Chiefs about timing and how to participate. We will be talking about team leadership, goals for JAR year, night float and more! Please also sign up for your spring Semi-Annual meeting with Dr. Hargett to recap the year and set goals for next year. For those leaving internal medicine to other specialties (aka Preliminary Year Interns), I look forward to meeting with you for your end of year meeting.

Rising SARs, it’s time to continue working on your fellowship application, if you are applying this year. Check in with me or your advisor for any questions. If you are looking at jobs in primary care or hospital medicine, please reach out so we can make sure to connect you with the mentors you need to make your search successful.

Nearly graduated SARs, this is the homestretch! Please make sure to sign up for an end of year meeting with me, if you haven’t already. Send along any credentialing paperwork to Kayla, and we will help you get it taken care of.  No word yet from the ABIM about changes in timing of the ABIM exam, but we will keep you posted on what we hear.

Kudos this week go to Trent Wei from Brian Schneider for being a true team player at the VA, to Bhavik Patel from the 4300 nurses for great communication during night float, to Ahmad Mourad and Sean Chen from Trent Wei for being a great MICU team, to the VA QI heroes Yoli Guzman, Alex Sullivan, Callie Berkowitz, Neha Kayastha and Keva Garg from VA QI Chief Lara Hayes for helping make real time improvements in the VA protocols, and submitted by anonymous patient @ DUH: "Highest praise to my care team. Drs. Obeid, McCann, Holland, Kazan and nurses on the 2nd floor, Kyra, Marissa, Chris and Lena. Compassionate, kind and very professional people. Thank you!!"

CONGRATULATIONS TO JENNY VAN KIRK and MATT WOOD on the birth of Harper Margaret! Everyone is doing well, and we are excited to welcome another member of the #DukeFamily.

PubMed from the Program
This week’s pubmed from the program goes to Maggie Salinger and Katie Pollard for their Op-Ed published in The Hill! See this from Duke Gov’t Relations: 

Drs. Maggie Sallinger and Katie Pollard, internal medicine residents at Duke University Hospital, published an op-ed in The Hill on April 22, calling for faster COVID-19 testing procedures. The piece highlights the costs, both in terms of resources and patient care, of slow turnaround times for patient testing and urges that more widespread, accurate, and quicker tests be developed and made available to providers throughout the country. Drs. Sallinger and Pollard, along with fellow residents in Duke's ACLT program, were also able to share their testing concerns in a virtual conversation with Rep. David Price (D-NC-04) on April 3.

Have a great week,

Clinic Corner: Ambulatory

Contributed by Daniella Zipkin

You have all done an amazing job rolling with the changes as we adapted to social distancing and then shelter in place orders. You’ve been doing a lot of telehealth visits along with your attendings, and we are so grateful it’s working to fill the needs of many of our patients. You’ve all rolled with guidelines on outpatient COVID testing and management changing almost daily. Pickett residents also have been staffing the testing tent that was there!

Ambulatory Education
A huge shout out goes to all of the Chiefs and especially the ACRs who have been pulling together teaching schedules for each week, despite the loss of morning report. Academic Half Day continues most Friday mornings in remote format, and faculty have really stepped up to make that happen.

Thank you to everyone for adapting so quickly in this new environment. We look forward to clinic getting closer to normal in June.

From the Chief Residents

Morning Report and Medicine Grand Rounds
Date Topic Lecturer Time Location
4/29/20 Medication Assisted Therapy for Opioids  Dr. Greenblatt​ 9 a.m. Zoom

Medicine Grand Rounds: Duke COVID-19 Challenges from the Intensivist’s Perspective

Moderated by Neil MacIntyre, MD 

Daniel Gilstrap, MD
Anne Mathews, MD
Bryan Kraft, MD
Patty Lee, MD

8 a.m.




5/1/20 Medicine Grand Rounds: Lessons Learned from Master Mentors Moderated by Leonor Corsino, MD, MHS 12 p.m. Zoom


Academic Half Day: May 1, 2020 via Zoom
Thread Topic Lecturer Time Location

Fatigue and Arthralgias​


Carly Kelley/Sophia Weinmann

Winn Seay/Sophia Weinmann​

9:15 a.m.

10:30 a.m.



Atypical infections and zoonoses

Darsh Kothari

Micah McClain

9:15 a.m.

10:30 a.m.




Thomas Bashore


9:15 a.m.

10:30 a.m.




Noon Conference: April 27-May 1, 2020
Date Inpatient Topic on Zoom Outpatient Topic Time Location Lunch
4/27/20 Adrenal Insufficiency with Dr. Matt Crowley​


12:15 p.m.


Jimmy John's


Medical Care of the Pregnant Patientwith Dr. Lynn Bowlby

Medical Care of the Pregnant Patientwith Dr. Lynn Bowlby

12:15 p.m.


Happy and Hale


Food Allergy with Dr. Ankoor Shah

See Morning Report schedule above

12:15 p.m.


Cosmic Cantina
4/30/20 Program Town Hall

Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder

12:15 p.m.


5/1/20 Virtual Hangout 


12:15 p.m.


Report Conference Schedule: April 27-30, 2020
Date Topic Lecturer Time

Joint JAR/SAR CAT (via Zoom) with Trent Wei


1:15 p.m.


DUH SAR Report - in person

VA Interns Debrief

Safety Report


1:15 p.m.


Joint JAR/SAR Report (via Zoom) with the chiefs​


1:15 p.m.


Virtual rising JAR retreat, details forthcoming


1:15 p.m.

From the Residency Office

Our Wellbeing
The Department of Medicine is keeping an updated list of wellbeing resources during this extraordinary time. Click here for more information.

Feeling down? Need to talk to someone? Opportunities for Wellness
All trainees at Duke have FREE access to Personal Assistance Services (PAS), which is the faculty/employee assistance program of Duke University. The staff of licensed professionals offer confidential assessment, short-term counseling, and referrals to help resolve a range of personal, work, and family problems. PAS services are available free of charge to Duke faculty and staff, and their immediate family members. An appointment to meet with a PAS counselor may be arranged by calling the PAS office at 919-416-1PAS (919-416-1727), Monday through Friday between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. For assistance after hours, residents and fellows can call the Blood and Body Fluid Hotline (115 inside DUH, 919-684-1115 outside) for referral to behavioral health resources. Another resource is Duke Outpatient Psychiatry Referrals at (919) 684-0100 or 1-888-ASK-DUKE.

