Internal Medicine Residency News, August 11, 2014

By residency1

From the Director

DUKE.RESEARCH.NIGHT.03 (1)Hope everyone had a great week!  Thanks to Bill H., Murat, Dave B., Alex, Lish, the Chiefs, Jen, Erin, Lynsey, and Lauren for holding down the fort while our family snuck away for vacation.  Also, much appreciation to the chiefs for holding our first TOWN HALL on Friday.  August and September are very busy months, with the In Training Exams (ITE) and SAR Interviews, so please keep the lines of communication open as schedules change.  We will be giving you more information about times and locations of the medicine ITE in the coming weeks -- the big news is that we will be taking the test on computers this year instead of using pencils and scan tron sheets (wow, welcome to 2014!).  another little known fact is that we pay $110 per person to take the ITE...another big ticket item in our annual budget. Kudos this week to our SARs who gave their talks for the intern emergency lecture series..Erin Boehm, Adrienne Belasco and Aparna Swaminathan.  I'm sorry to have missed them, but I hear that they were fantastic!  Also, kudos to Juan Sanchez from ID attending Steve Taylor for great work in the VA ID Clinic, to Andrea Sitlinger and Drew DeMaio from Chris Hostler for being a huge help on ID consults Friday, to Jason Zhu from Jess Morris for excellent transitions of care at the VA, to Hal Boutte from Sajal Tanna for being a great DRH Day Float, to med student Lawrence Ngo from Jesse Tucker for his excellent work as a sub-I at the VA, and to the imcomparable TONY GALANOS for being selected as the honorary Duke football captain for the August 30th game!!  Thanks to everyone who contributed to nominating Dr. G!!  And a congratulations to Duke Med Alum Bobby Aertker (and Andrea and Alan) on the birth of Riley! Thanks to Kerby Society head honcho Heather Whitson for organizing the following activities...MOCK INTERVIEWS:  Drs. Ralph Corey and Richard Reidel will be offering mock interviews again this year for Kerby-ites who are entering the fellowship match or job interview process this year.  The mock interviews will occur in late August through mid September.  Expect an email from me next week with available times-- you will be able to sign up for a 1-hour slot on a first come, first served basis and DURHAM BULLS GAME: August 17th. Thanks to Warren Society Leader Steve Crowley for organzing TRIVIA NIGHT on August 27th at Bull McCabe's.  I hear that there are some interns who are AWESOME at trivia..(that means you Rachel, Peter, Christine, et al) so hope to see you there! Things are shaping up for the iCOMPARE duty hours study.  We have submitted our application and are under consideration as a site for the study.  Originally, this was supposed to be a two year cross over study, with one year allowing 24+4 hours for interns, and one year at 16 hours for interns.  the new study design is now a one year study where you are randomized to either intervention (80 hours max per week, 1 day off in 7 averaged over 28 and q3 as most frequent allowed call cycle) versus control (today's rules), and a duty hour waiver through July 2019 for all participating sites.  I hope to know soon if we are accepted into the study, which is scheduled to start July 2015.  See the website for more details. Don't forget to order your DUKE MED fleece!!  Deadline to order/pay is August 18th!! This week's pubmed from the program goes to Bronwen Garner for her review article accepted for publication in Trends in Molecular Medicine..Garner B, Tsalik E, Burke T, Woods C, Ginsburg GA and Zaas AK.  "The Current Epidemiology and Clinical Decisions Surrounding Acute Respiratory Infections" Have a Great Week!! Aimee [divider]

Clinic Corner


Pickett Clinic Corner

Is it August or October? the weather is nice but I bet will start heating up soon. Tramadol will be moved to Schedule IV controlled substance after 8/18/14. This med must be written for with refills and cannot be called in. We are happy to welcome Lauren as one of our new CMA! She was the student that worked with the residents. Sadly Nahza our CMA and Linda in the lab are leaving for another clinic. We have Kay as the Nurse manager is available on Wednesday and Fridays and Donna RN from Durham Medical center helping us out. EPIC stuff Upgrade on Sunday. Ask Marie for any questions NOTES: the default FONT needs to be in ARIAL. I tried to print out a resident note in a different font and got Matrix characters! Do not order LDL direct! not getting covered by insurance. M&M and Rats: make sure you eat all the M&Ms. We have rats and sometimes they eat the M&Ms. We are looking at other ways to keep the M&M dispenser Inbox messages: as a curtosy to your fellow residents, please try to do as many of the inbasket message and the black folder message. I know this is hard if the messages get put in the box after 4pm (the RNs usual drop off time). At least try to triage if needs to be done or can be held until the next day. Mini cex- let me know if your attending has done these especially if there is no evaluation in medhub. September and August onto 2nd Mini cex  
Resident Attending 1st CEX Plan for CEX
Black-Maier Boinapally 7/9/2014
Hinohara Brown 8/19/14
Hu/La Voy ? Rookwood 7/25/14
Khairallah Boinapally 7/9/2014
Kopin TBA
Musgrove   Boinapally  8/6/14
Cupp Boinapally 7/16/2014
Eisenberg  Waite  8/6/14
Erdmann Peyser 9/4/14
Matta Rookwood 7/11/2014
Ng'eno  Wolf   8/7/14
Nicklolich Rubin 7/1/2014
Ray Ray 7/10/2014
Verma ?Boinapally 7/9, 7/23? Rookwood 8/15/14
Zhu Rubin` 8/4/2014
Beri Brown 8/5/2014
Boehm TBA
Lehr Wolf 7/31/2014
Lloyd Rubin 7/7/2014
Kirtane Waite 8/13/14

QI Corner

[caption id="attachment_16361" align="aligncenter" width="200"]Aaron Mitchell, MD Aaron Mitchell, MD[/caption] We have what should be a great Grand Rounds lecture coming up this Friday. Daisy Smith, one of the minds behind the High Value, Cost-Conscious Care campaign at the American College of Physicians, will be here to discuss her work with this program. Also on the topic of High Value, Cost-Conscious Care (HVCC), there have been a lot of ideas to reduce wasteful health care spending coming from you all. If you want to get involved in putting some of these into action, come to this week's PSQC meeting, 5:30pm on Wednesday. One of our big patient safety efforts of this year is to increase our use of the Morbidity and Mortality conferences to raise awareness of easy-to-miss diagnoses and call attention to systems problems endangering our patients. The goal will be to have M&M at noon lecture once a month. Which means, we will need cases! This will be a great chance to bring up important topics and present to your peers. If you have been involved in any cases where there was a "near miss," a preventable bad outcome, or a dangerous system issue that you would like to share, then get in touch with me or Dr. Alicia Clark.

From the Chief Residents

Grand Rounds

Friday, August 15th: Daisy Smith

Noon Conference

Monday 8/11/2014 SAR Emergency Series: Toxidromes Brian Kincaid 12:15 Nosh
Tuesday 8/12/2014 SAR Emergency Series: Acute seizure management Kedar Kirtane 12:15 Domino's
Wednesday 8/13/2014 SAR Emergency Series: Oncologic Emergencies Ryan Huey 12:15 China King
Thursday 8/14/2014 SAR Emergency Series: Approach to the anemic patient Nina Beri 12:15 Sushi
Friday 8/15/2014 Chair's Conference Chiefs 12:00 Mediterra

From the Residency Office


MKSAP Ordering Now Open!

Please use the link below to order your MKSAP materials.  Just a reminder, you must be a current ACP member to order, and the program will only purchase one (1) copy per resident during residency.  The link to order (below) will be available until 8/22/14.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Erin Payne in the MedRes office.  

TSMA/Moonlighting Policy for Internal Medicine Residents

Please note that due to some confusion around the TSMA/Policy for the program, an updated policy has been posted as a Learning Module in MedHub.  This policy will be "assigned" to all current JARs/SARs in the program via MedHub and anyone interested in moonlighting will be required to review and accept the policy (electronically.)  Please look for an email from Jen Averitt this week with more details.  

Stead Resident Research Grants- Request for Proposals

For All Internal Medicine, Med-Peds, and Med-Psych Residents We are pleased to announce the Request for Proposals for the inaugural “Stead Resident Research Grant” applications. We are grateful to the leadership of the Stead Scholarship Society for their generosity to support resident research and our Stead Leaders for their mentorship and for promoting your scholarly activities ! The applications due on September 1, 2014 for a funding start date on October 1, 2014. Please find attached the Stead Resident Research Grant Instructions-2014, Stead Resident Research Grant Application Forms-2014, Human Subjects example,  and NIHSAMPLE Biosketch Form.   Please include your mentor’s NIH Biosketch and support letter with your application. Please see  link below for Biostatistical Support resources available to you for your projects and discuss with your mentor. Each proposal must have a Human subjects section that describes the protections of the patients and patient data, describe the consent procedure if applicable, status of IRB protocol (to be submitted, already submitted or already approved, as appropriate) etc. This section is required whether to not your project is a retrospective or prospective study, whether patient identifiers are exposed (or not) during data collection/analysis, whether consent is to be obtained or there is a waiver for consent. Please see attached example language that you can adapt to your own protocol after discussing with your research mentor who has already thought about the Human subjects issues. Wishing you continued success with your research projects ! Murat Arcasoy and Aimee Zaas  

Flu Vaccination Season 2014

As you know, Duke University Health System (DUHS) requires all healthcare workers who perform their duties in a DUHS facility or a community home-based setting to be vaccinated annually against the flu. This is in alignment with our core value of “caring for our patients, their loved ones and each other.” Annual vaccination against influenza, or policy compliance through a granted medical or religious exemption, is a condition of employment for all DUHS employees. Annual vaccination or policy compliance is also a condition of access to Duke Medicine facilities for those holding clinical privileges in a Duke Medicine facility and learners who wish to train in our facilities. With this in mind, please note these key dates for this flu vaccination season:
  • Start of Flu Vaccination Season: Thursday, September 18, 2014
  • Applications for Medical or Religious Exemption should be submitted before Friday, October 17, 2014.  This will allow sufficient time for review and for communication of the review decision. Please note: Due to the availability of an egg-free formulation of the flu vaccine, egg allergy will no longer be a valid reason for a medical exemption.
  • Policy compliance through vaccination or granted exemption by Monday, November 17, 2014
We will kick off our annual flu vaccination campaign with a 24-hour Duke Medicine Mass Flu Vaccination drill. The drill will begin on Thursday, September 18, 2014. Mass vaccination clinics will be available at each of the hospitals with peer vaccination available throughout DUHS. Following the drill, we will begin our annual flu vaccination program, during which time we will provide many additional opportunities for you to get vaccinated. A schedule of vaccination clinics is posted on the employee intranet at  This list will be updated throughout the flu season. Vaccination is also available at Employee Occupational Health and Wellness (EOHW) during business hours. If you have questions about the flu vaccine or its availability, please visit the DUHS Influenza Resource Guide or, ask your manager or contact EOHW. Together, we can stop the flu. Thank you for your commitment to keeping our patients, and our community, safe and healthy.

New Jackets/Fleeces for 2014!

To Order your 2014 Duke Medicine Jacket please use this link: Jackets will be $52.50 each and monogramming will be an additional $2.75 per jacket!!  We will have samples in the Med Res Office to try on until August 18th!  Deadline to order and pay is August 18th!! Jacket will be Black with the Duke Medicine logo. photo



  Hospitalists Practice Opportunity in PA 7-2014 Announcement Geriatrician Opportunity Elkin Hospitalist Montana Hospitalist Summit Placement Service Washington State Opportunities Madison WI opportunities Community Health Network

Upcoming Dates and Events

August 6th- Interview Skills Session August 17th- Kerby Society Hosting Durham Bulls Game Gathering August 27th - Drs. Schuyler Jones and Manesh Patel at Alivia's  - Careers in Cardiology August 27th - Warren Society Stead Trivia Night at Bull McCabe's Irish Pub

Useful links
