Internal Medicine Residency News, February 1, 2016

From the Director

Happy February! Or, as per AJ Blood “Fun-bruary”!  Look for some surprises like more Night Float Scavenger hunts, trivia, random lattes, nights out for Duke vs UNC and more.  We are excited to end Fun-bruary with our rescheduled SAR party at our house on Feb 27th.  This should be a good kickoff to charity auction season for 2016 as well.

We are looking forward to the first Duke Narrative Medicine Symposium this Friday and Saturday, with guest professor Dr. Anna Reisman.  This symposium is funded by the GME Innovations fund, based on a grant written by Amy Jones, Lakshmi Krishnan, Dinushika Mohottige and Anubha Agarwal.   So impressed by the work they have done, and look forward to hearing more about the results after the symposium.

We have welcomed another member of the Duke family! Caroline Mae Kinsey was born on 1/24 to proud parents Emily and Jonathan Kinsey.  Congrats!!! 

This week starts our fellowship series, so be sure to join Bill Hargett and I tomorrow night or Feb 9th if you are planning on applying to fellowship in July.  More specialty specific fellowship sessions are being scheduled as well.

Kudos this week from VA attending and Duke residency grad Laura Caputo to Oncology fellow Sarah Simmons for outstanding work at the VA, to Sky Vanderburg, Holley Causy and Jan Dillard from Paul St. Romain for a very helpful DOC home visit for Paul’s patient, and to Nick Turner for driving the Gen Med consult time down to 17 minutes while he was ACR!  

This week’s pubmed from the program goes to Phil Liu for his recent paper - Association of Co-Existing Impairments in Cognition and Self-Rated Vision and Hearing With Health Outcomes in Older Adults

Phillip L. Liu, MD, MBA1,2, Harvey Jay Cohen, MD1,2,4, Gerda G. Fillenbaum, PhD1, Bruce M. Burchett, PhD1, and Heather E. Whitson, MD, MHS1,2,3,4

Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine January-December 2016: 1–9

Have a great week!




What Did I Read This Week?

Submitted by Jennifer Rymer, MD

As many of you are pursuing a career in cardiology, I have been receiving lots of exciting emails regarding acceptances to ACC and QCOR, as well as many other national meetings. Congrats to you all! Attendance at conferences, such as AHA and ACC, usually range between 13,000-19,000 participants, so you will be in good company. I came across an article a few weeks ago related to national cardiology meeting attendance that made me chuckle a little.

In the February 2015 article in JAMA Internal Medicine, investigators at MGH analyzed Medicare beneficiary hospitalizations for acute MI, cardiac arrest, and heart failure from 2002 to 2011. Admissions at teaching hospitals were identified using the AHA survey. Admissions for these three diagnoses in the three weeks before and after national cardiology conferences were compared to those during these conferences. The primary outcomes was risk-adjusted all-cause 30-day mortality after admission for AMI, heart failure, or cardiac arrest among patients admitted during meeting vs nonmeeting dates. For cardiac arrest and AMI, rates of PCI were analyzed during meeting and nonmeeting dates. Rates of mechanical circulatory support and diagnostic caths were also examined in the heart failure population. For all diagnoses, LOS and hospital charges were analyzed.

            Risk-adjusted 30-day all-cause mortality rates were lower for those high-risk patients (those patients with predicted mortality in the top quartile) admitted for heart failure and cardiac arrest during national meetings (heart failure: 17.5% during meetings vs. 24.8% during nonmeetings, p<0.001; cardiac arrest: 59.1% during meetings vs. 69.4% during nonmeetings, p=0.01). 30-day all-cause mortality was similar for AMI between those hospitalizations which occurred during meeting and nonmeeting times. As you might expect, adjusted rates of PCI for patients admitted for AMI were significantly lower during meetings (20.8% during meetings vs. 28.2% during nonmeetings, p=0.02) with no appreciable impact on 30-day mortality. There was no difference in LOS, charges, or in the primary endpoint for low-risk patients.

            While there is no obvious explanation for why mortality rates would improve during times of decreased staffing, the authors insinuate that these outcomes may be related to the composition of physicians who remain behind during national meetings. Which begs the question: which of you are going to ACC in April;)?


Jena et al. Mortality and Treatment Patterns Among Patients Hospitalized With Acute Cardiovascular Conditions During Dates of National Cardiology Meetings. JAMA Intern Med. 2015;175(2):237-244.



Please mark your calendars for the next  PSQC meeting on February 11th from 5:30-6:30pm  in the Med Res library (DINNER PROVIDED!).  You should consider joining us even if you have never attended before.  We have a couple fun projects that are getting off the ground this January and we have a few QI student scholars to help us.  If you are interested in getting involved but can not attend this meeting, please email me (Lish) so we can get you linked in.

Please also let me know if you have a case that you would like to see discussed at Safety Conference/M&M.   The next one is coming up on February 10th and we want your input.


Alicia Clark, MD



This feature will return next week!


From the Chief Residents


Grand Rounds 

Friday, February 5 -  Dr. Anna Reisman, Guest Speaker

Noon Conference

Date Topic Lecturer Time Vendor

MKSAP Endocrine


12:00 Mediterra
2/2/16 Financial Planning

Molly Stanifer

12:00 Domino's

Essentials of Oral Hypoglycemics 

Diana McNeill

12:00 Cosmic

IM-ED Combined Conference: Sepsis

Cara O'Brien



Chair's Conference

  12:00 Firehouse Subs


From the Residency Office



Book Club Event

Please join us for a special book club event on February 3rd from 5:30 - 7:30 pm in the Faculty Lounge.   We'll be reading Black Man in a White Coat by our own Duke author, Dr. Damon Tweedy, who has graciously agreed to join us for the event.   If you only make it to one book club event this year, make this the one! 

If you would like to attend, please email  As always, a limited number of FREE COPIES of the book are available so RSVP early to reserve your copy.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Thank you!

Laura M. Caputo, MD

Hospital Medicine, Durham VA Medical Center


Duke Narrative Project  - Grand Rounds This Friday!

We invite you to come to the *inaugural* Duke Narrative Medicine Project Grand Rounds THIS Friday, February 5th. Invited speaker Dr. Anna Reisman from Yale University will be giving a talk titled "From Ancient Magic to Knitting Circle: Why Writing Matters in Medicine." This talk will address the importance of writing in medicine, a topic we don't often have the opportunity to learn about from one of the world's leading experts. 

More details below. 

Medicine Grand Rounds

Friday, February 5th, 2016 at 8:00 AM

Duke University Hospital, Room DN 2002

From Ancient Magic to Knitting Circle: Why Writing Matters in Medicine

Dr. Anna Reisman

Associate Professor of Medicine at Yale 

Director, Humanities in Medicine

Director, Yale Internal Medicine Residency Writers' Workshop 

Your support and presence at Grand Rounds this Friday means the world to us, thank you for all you do.


Fellowship Program Info Sessions

Gastroenterology Fellowship Program
Monday, March 7th at 5:00pm in the Tyor Conference Room located in the GI Administrative Suite.


Teaching and Leading EBM: A Workshop for Educators and Champions of Evidence-Based-Medicine

Registration is now open!
Teaching and Leading EBM: A Workshop for Educators and Champions of Evidence-Based-Medicine
Duke Medicine, Durham NC
April 12-15, 2016
This workshop focuses not only on learning EBM skills, but also on teaching EBM. Previous participants have included rising chief residents, faculty charged with developing an EBM curriculum, librarians, and other clinicians and faculty passionate about applying the best evidence to patient care. The program includes large group sessions in the morning, then supportive, small group, learner-driven sessions for the rest of the day.
The workshop will take place on the Duke Medicine campus in the new Trent Semans Center for Health Education and the Duke Medicine Pavilion.
Workshop Objectives:

Train leaders in medicine to facilitate evidence-based clinical practice in their teaching and practice settings.
Practice the skills involved in evidence-based medicine including clinical question formation and acquisition of medical evidence from the literature.
Review and develop critical appraisal skills and application of available evidence to patient care and medical education.
Develop skills in teaching EBM in both large and small group settings.
Provide interactive experience with a variety of evidence-based resources guided by faculty with expertise in evidence-based practice.

Please contact Megan von Isenburg ( or Laura Huffman ( with any questions.


11th Annual Duke Health Patient Safety and Quality Conference

REGISTRATION NOW OPEN: 11th Annual Duke Health Patient Safety and Quality Conference


11th Annual Duke Health Patient Safety and Quality Conference

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Durham Convention Center

301 West Morgan Street, Durham, NC

Onsite registration/check-in begins at 7:00 AM

Conference program is from 8:00 AM-4:30 PM

Register online today!

Opportunities for Wellness


Feeling down? Need to talk to someone? 
All trainees at Duke have FREE access to Personal Assistance Services (PAS), which is the faculty/employee assistance program of Duke University. The staff of licensed professionals offer confidential assessment, short-term counseling, and referrals to help resolve a range of personal, work, and family problems. PAS services are available free of charge to Duke faculty and staff, and their immediate family members. An appointment to meet with a PAS counselor may be arranged by calling the PAS office at 919-416-1PAS (919-416-1727), Monday through Friday between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. For assistance after hours, residents and fellows can call the Blood and Body Fluid Hotline (115 inside DUH, 919-684-1115 outside) for referral to behavioral health resources. Another resource is Duke Outpatient Psychiatry Referrals at (919) 684-0100 or 1-888-ASK-DUKE.


Upcoming Dates and Events

February 17 - Duke vs UNC

March 2 - JAR Networking Event

March 5 - UNC vs Duke

March 18 - Match Day Celebration

April 29 -Charity Auction


Useful links

GME Mistreatment Reporting Site
Main Internal Medicine Residency website
Main Curriculum website
Department of Medicine
Confidential Comment Line Note: ALL submissions are strictly confidential unless you chose to complete the optional section requesting a response



