Internal Medicine Residency News, Jan. 2, 2018

From the Director

Happy 2018 to all! I hope you were able to enjoy some time with family and friends during the holidays. Looking forward to a fantastic second half of this academic year!

Medically, flu season is in full swing so please be aware of the current CDC recommendations, be vigilant for thinking of flu in your sick patients and keep yourself well with lots of handwashing!

Semi-annual meetings resume this week – Erin is opening up some additional times in case you have not yet signed up. Also, for SARs, please don’t forget to register for the ABIM exam.  Finally, if you have any questions about the schedule request forms, please ask me, a chief or Lynsey so we can help you get that filled out.


Kudos over the holiday break to Anmol Singh from Katie Charles for excellent work on VA Gen Med, to Nilesh Patel from Maggie Moses for creating a great team environment on Gen Med, to Robert Diep from Melanie Ferraro and the 8100 nurses for great communication, to Mike Grant from Josh Lee for teaching and leading the team on VA Gen Med, and to the amazing Tia Williams-Hope for keeping everyone fed over the holidays!

PubMed from the Program

This week’s pubmed from the program goes to Robert Diep for his recent publication with Dr. Arcasoy! "Pregnancy in patients with thrombocytopenia and absent radii (TAR) syndrome." Diep RT, Arcasoy MO. Ann Hematol. 2017 Sep;96(9):1589-1590. doi: 10.1007/s00277-017-3053-3. Epub 2017 Jul 20

Happy new year and have a great week!



Clinic Corner: Ambulatory

Contributed by Daniella Zipkin

Big changes coming in ambulatory education!!

We have heard feedback from residents that you’d like a more cohesive ambulatory curriculum with didactics matching your clinical experiences, and we have heard from faculty in all the divisions that they would like more longitudinal time with learners to build opportunities for teaching and feedback. The result is a new proposal, possibly being implemented this coming July, barring unforeseen barriers:

Ambulatory Threads will be clinical groupings that will string through the +2 blocks for six months at a time. Interns will have two threads, and will swap mid year so they get both, and JARs will have two threads and swap mid year as well. Within the threads, your +2 weeks will look like a mixture of continuity clinic, thread specific clinics, and other opportunities you currently have including academic half day, self care half days, and sub specialty clinic where applicable. The academic half day will be revised, and will be specific to intern thread topics for interns, JAR thread topics for JARs, matching the clinics you will be in. Core teaching faculty in every division will step in to do this teaching, such that over the course of two years, residents will have had core content in every subspecialty, as well as general medicine.

Tentative groupings are:
Intern Thread A: GI/ID/other VA clinics
Intern Thread B: Renal/Rheum/Endocrine
JAR Thread A: Heme/Cardiology
JAR Thread B: Onc/Pulm

These groupings were chosen because, when looking at faculty availability in these areas, they allow balance when schedules are combined. Also, with these ambulatory threads for the interns, the interns will be exposed to EVERY medicine subspecialty, whether outpatient or inpatient, by the end of intern year, making career planning easier. (in other words, heme, onc, cards and pulm are covered in inpatient months for interns, so this brings balance).

This is easier to describe with diagramming on the dry erase board – feel free to stop Dani or Dinushika and ask more about what this will look like!

Huge thanks go to several people who have stepped up to join meetings and give input on this process, including not only many core faculty in every division, but many residents as well, including: Tanya Aylward, Hannah Dzimitrowicz, Chris Ferreri, Matt Labriola, Jared Lowe, Leah Machen, Sarah Nelson, Joe Plaksin, Ben Ranard, Annie Reihman, Tamara Saint-Surin, John Paul Shoup, Anmol Singh, Julia Xu.

From the Chief Residents

Morning Report and MGR: Jan. 1-5, 2018
Date Topic Lecturer Time Location

No conference - Holiday


1/2/18 No conference - Holiday





Case Presentation

Joe Plaksin to Joseph Rogers

7:15 a.m. DUH 8252

Men's Health

Lawrence Greenblatt

7:15 a.m. DUH 8252

Medicine Grand Rounds: Where autoimmunity and immune deficiency intersect, CVID

Terri Tarrant, MD

8 a.m. DUH 2002


Noon Conference: Jan. 1-5, 2018
Date Topic Lecturer Time Location Lunch

No conference - Holiday




No conference - Holiday





SAR Lecture: Biliary Emergencies

Dan Maselli

12:10 p.m.

DUH 2002

Jason's Deli

Jeopardy with the Chiefs


12:10 p.m.

DUH 2001


Chair's Conference with IM residency applicants

Talisha Ramchal

11:30 a.m.

DUH 2002

China King

From the Residency Office

Narrative Medicine

It is time to get pumped for our next Narrative Medicine meeting coming up on Jan. 19! Our first few sessions with Dr. Pisetsky have been incredible, and we are so excited to have Dinushika to precept our next meeting! The prompt will be to write a story from the perspective of one of your patients. This will be a great time to flex our creativity and reflect on the experiences that our patients have. If you are interested in joining us, please send Matthew Labriola an e-mail so we know how many to expect and can plan out  how many narratives can be discussed. We usually meet around 6:30 p.m. and wrap up by 8:30-9 p.m. depending on the numbers. We are limited to 10 participants.

Check out The Scope

The Scope is a weekly newsletter that goes out on Fridays and summarizes the best evidence-based medical research from the week in a few fun and easy-to-read sentences. You can check out this weeks email below and people can sign up, see prior issues, and learn more about it at

Faculty-Resident Research Grant

The applications are due on April 8, 2018 for a funding start date on July 1, 2018.

For JARs, the funding end date is June 30, 2019. For Interns, the funding end date is June 30, 2020.

Attached please find the application forms, instructions, and sample NIH format biosketch (the old NIH Bioskecth format forms are acceptable for your CV)

Please submit your application as a single word or pdf file that includes your mentor’s NIH Biosketch (the new versus old NIH Biosketch format is optional for your mentor).

Please email a pdf file of the signed mentor's support letter with your application by April 9, either as part of the entire application or separately.

Each proposal must have a Human subjects section that describes the protections of the patients and patient data, describe the consent procedure if applicable, status of IRB protocol (to be submitted, already submitted or already approved, as appropriate) etc. This section is required whether to not your project is a retrospective or prospective study, whether patient identifiers are exposed (or not) during data collection/analysis, whether consent is to be obtained or there is a waiver for consent. Please see attached example language that you can adapt to your own specific protocol after discussing with your research mentor.

The next opportunity to apply for a research grant will be in September 2018. Please also find attached scholarship opportunity calendar for this academic year 2017-2018

For any questions, or to discuss mentorship and research project opportunities please contact

Feeling down? Need to talk to someone? Opportunities for Wellness

All trainees at Duke have FREE access to Personal Assistance Services (PAS), which is the faculty/employee assistance program of Duke University. The staff of licensed professionals offer confidential assessment, short-term counseling, and referrals to help resolve a range of personal, work, and family problems. PAS services are available free of charge to Duke faculty and staff, and their immediate family members. An appointment to meet with a PAS counselor may be arranged by calling the PAS office at 919-416-1PAS (919-416-1727), Monday through Friday between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. For assistance after hours, residents and fellows can call the Blood and Body Fluid Hotline (115 inside DUH, 919-684-1115 outside) for referral to behavioral health resources. Another resource is Duke Outpatient Psychiatry Referrals at (919) 684-0100 or 1-888-ASK-DUKE.

Upcoming Dates and Events

  • Jan. 11 - General Internal Medicine Careers Info Session

  • Jan. 19 - Narrative Medicine meeting

  • April 20 - Charity Auction at Motorco

