Internal Medicine Residency News, June 15, 2020

From the Director

Really in the “home stretch” now. Kudos to Amanda, Lara, Jared and Caroline not just on a fantastic Medicine Grand Rounds but a really tremendous “unprecedented” year.  We are forever in awe of your leadership.

Checkouts for SARs with end-of-year vacations are beginning. Congratulations again on a tremendous three years! Thank you Tia for making this happen.

MS2’s are back on the wards. We are really excited to have them back as part of the teams. Please keep masking consistently in the team rooms!

CONGRATULATIONS TO KATIE POLLARD AND ALEX SULLIVAN on your ENGAGEMENT!! We are so happy for you! Other kudos this week to Alex Sullivan, Katie Pollard and Tanmay Gokhale for awesome SAR talks and to Tim Hopper from the nursing team on 9100 for patient-centered care.

PubMed from the Program
This week’s pubmed from the program goes to Sean Chen for his article recently accepted to JAMA Internal Medicine Nanna MG, Chen ST, Nelson AJ, Navar AM, Peterson ED “Has the Inclusion Across the Lifespan Policy Affected Representation of Older Adults in Cardiovascular Disease Trials?” JAMA Internal Medicine (accepted).

Have a great week!

Clinic Corner: PRIME

Contributed by Sonal Patel and Leigh J. Wynkoop

Really happy to have our LPNs back in PRIME after their stints working on the inpatient side.

Welcome to our new social worker, Sernetra Webb. She is teleworking most days of the week but is likely on Skype most of the time. Also we have her cell # if you need to reach her.

We’re getting the details about a new drive-through vaccine clinic for patients to get some routine vaccines – can get the second/third dose in a vaccine SERIES but not the initial one if it’s a series. Ask your nurse for more info if your patient needs a vaccine.

On a bittersweet note, we are happy to see the seniors finish their time at  Duke and in PRIME Clinic, but it always is sad to see you go. All our best wishes for you as you launch into the next journey of your life!

From the Chief Residents

Medicine Grand Rounds
Date Topic Lecturer Time Location

Medicine Grand Rounds: The Year In Review

Kathleen Cooney, MD, MACP

12 p.m.



Academic Half Day: June 12, 2020 via Zoom
Thread Topic Lecturer Time Location

No sessions





No sessions





No sessions







Noon Conference: June 15-19, 2020
Date Inpatient Topic on Zoom Time Location Lunch

Fun Lunch: Residents only

12:15 p.m.


Jimmy John's


SAR Talk: Peripheral Blood Films by Alie Mara


12:15 p.m.


Cosmic Cantina


Joint Med/Peds Conference: Smooth Sailing? Vaccine Development- Then, Now, and the Future with Dr. Tony Moody

12:15 p.m.


Happy and Hale

Chair's Conference 
by Nadia Yimer

12:15 p.m.


6/19/20 Medicine Grand Rounds 12 p.m.


Report Conference Schedule: June 15-18, 2020
Date Topic Lecturer Time

Joint JAR/SAR CAT (via Zoom): Dapagliflozin in Patients with Heart Failure and Reduced EF (DAPA-HF, attached)

 Chris Asuzu

1:15 p.m.


DUH SAR Report - in person, Room 8262

Intern Report - Safety Report

Marge DeOliveira and Joe Govert

Joel Boggan

1:15 p.m.

2:30 p.m.


Joint JAR/SAR Report (via Zoom) 

Hannah Robinson

1:15 p.m.


Intern Report 

Casey Howe

2:30 p.m.

From the Residency Office

Our Wellbeing
The Department of Medicine is keeping an updated list of wellbeing resources during this extraordinary time. Click here for more information.

Feeling down? Need to talk to someone? Opportunities for Wellness
All trainees at Duke have FREE access to Personal Assistance Services (PAS), which is the faculty/employee assistance program of Duke University. The staff of licensed professionals offer confidential assessment, short-term counseling, and referrals to help resolve a range of personal, work, and family problems. PAS services are available free of charge to Duke faculty and staff, and their immediate family members. An appointment to meet with a PAS counselor may be arranged by calling the PAS office at 919-416-1PAS (919-416-1727), Monday through Friday between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. For assistance after hours, residents and fellows can call the Blood and Body Fluid Hotline (115 inside DUH, 919-684-1115 outside) for referral to behavioral health resources. Another resource is Duke Outpatient Psychiatry Referrals at (919) 684-0100 or 1-888-ASK-DUKE.

