Internal Medicine Residency News, June 26, 2017

From the Program

Hi everyone! It's an exciting week - welcome to the new interns who are going through orientation this week, and welcome to our new chief residents: Jason, Marc, Dinushika and Sam!

We want to recognize all of the award winners from Friday's Medicine Grand Rounds:

  • Jenny Van Kirk, Haskell Schiff Award (peer-selected award for the house staff member who best represents the ideals of Duke Medicine)
  • Adi Mandawat, Favorite Fellow Award
  • Eric Black-Maier, Bruce Dixon Award (peer-selected award for best clinician)
  • Div Patel, George McClellan Award (for excellence in medicine and research)

Don't forget: Please send any of your news or kudos for your colleagues to Erin Payne.

Have a great week!


Kudos this week go to Robert Diep from Niraj Kothari, who wrote "Robert rotated with me on the acute nephrology consult service and was knowledgeable, hardworking, and went above and beyond our expectations. He really enjoyed teaching and I observed him doing a great job with our medical students." Kudos to Julia Xu who received the 2017-2018 Cooley's Anemia Foundation Research Fellowship award for her thalassemia project in Thailand! And to Rachel Feder and Rob Diep from Lauren, Jake and Dinushika for "being fantastic leaders of the Duke-Lincoln After Hours Volunteer Clinic initiative this year - they really went above and beyond to keep our community engagement strong and respond to the needs of both of Duke residents and faculty as well as the Lincoln staff and patients!" Kudos to Gil Acevedo from Suchita Shah Sata who wrote, "Gil did a phenomenal job taking care of our patient on Duke Gen Med for almost 2 weeks. He built such a strong relationship with her that she hand-made a sock monkey for his 14-month old daughter. She was truly thankful for how Gil cared for her!" Kudos to Brian Andonian and Juan Sanchez for great SAR lectures and to Zach Il'Giovine for an excellent chairs conference.

And from the entire Duke Family, there are not enough superlatives to express our thanks to our outgoing Chief Residents Alyson McGhan-Johnson (Duke), Adam Banks (DVAMC), Aparna Swaminathan (DRH/Ambulatory) and Matt Atkins (VA CRQS) for an amazing 2016-17 year. Your contributions to the legacy are much appreciated and we look forward to continuing to work with you in your next endeavors.

Clinic Corner: Ambulatory

Contributed by Daniella Zipkin

The year ahead for ambulatory!

With the 4+2 schedule continuing this coming year, there are lots of folks on ambulatory at any given time! New this year, you’ll notice “preferred half days,” where your continuity clinics will typically fall. This will give more consistency, better connections with attendings, and better continuity for your patients, since schedules will be available further in advance than they were in the past.

Besides continuity clinics, interns have a patchwork of other clinics, mostly based at the VA. We are working on expanding and adding options to these slots. JARs and SARs will have a theme to the week, with options including all medicine subspecialties as well as women’s health, dermatology, sports medicine, integrative medicine, and palliative care.

Also new this year are the L.E.A.D. (Leadership, Education, Administration and Doctoring, you see what we did there?) weeks at each clinic site! Each site is building their own schedule and curriculum for this week, but primarily you’ll be the clinic “glue” – you’ll help out if coverage is needed, you’ll work with the operations of the clinic to learn how things run, and you’ll make primary care workflow smoother. We look forward to hearing your feedback as this new offering rolls out!!

Got great ideas for ambulatory??

Drop Zipkin a line. I want to hear from you!

Are you reading these?

Just to check… the first person to email me with my dog’s name gets a bottle of wine – his name is Frisco. Haha!


From the Chief Residents

Morning Report and MGR: June 26-30, 2017
Date Topic Lecturer Time Location

Case Presentation

Jasmine Washington to Murat Arcasoy

7:15 a.m. DUH 8252

Case Presentation

Brittany Gatta to Ken Lyles

7:15 a.m.

DUH 8252


Reading time

  7:15 a.m. DUH 8252

Reading time


7:15 a.m. DUH 8252

Medicine Grand Rounds: State of the Department of Medicine 2017

Mary E. Klotman, MD

8:00 a.m. Great Hall, Trent Semans Center


Noon Conference: June 26-30, 2017
Date Topic Lecturer Time Location Lunch

Fun lunch with your new chiefs/G Brief in MedRes Library


12:10 p.m. DUH 2002 Domino's

SAR Lecture Series: Sickle Cell Crisis

Jacob Feigal

12:15 p.m. DUH 2002



Prostate Cancer Screening

Andy Armstrong

12:15 p.m.

DUH 2003


Residency Town Hall


12:15 p.m.

DUH 2001

China King

Tom Holland Lecture

Megan Dupuis

12:10 p.m. DUH 2002 Chick-fil-A

From the Residency Office

Small Group for Partners of Internal Medicine Residents

A small group of resident partners & I are planning a welcome party for incoming intern partners! If you have a partner, significant other or children… please take 30 seconds to email

  1. Significant Others Name:
  2. SO Email Address:
  3. Children Name(s) & Age(s):

Please note: an additional use in providing email addresses would be to start including significant others in weekly updates! Please let me know if they prefer to NOT be included! Our hope is to help make connections, provide support in the transition & to build a sense of community!



2017 Stead Resident Research Grant

We are pleased to announce a request for proposals for the 2017 Stead Resident Research Grant. The applications are due on Sept. 3, 2017 for a funding start date to be determined in October 2017.

Review the application instructions and sample forms.


New Location for Employee Occupational Health & Wellness

The office will relocate to the sub-basement of the Orange Zone in Duke Clinic and will be accessible from the following two locations:

From Duke South Clinic:

  1. Enter Duke South on 1st floor
  2. Follow the signs to Clinic 1K
  3. Take the double orange elevators to the sub-basement
  4. Follow the hallway to the right to the EOHW check in desk

From Flowers Drive: Enter the sub-basement of the Orange Zone directly from Flowers Drive across from the Sarah P. Duke Gardens.

Phone numbers for EOHW will not change, and Personal Assistance Service will remain in its current location at Erwin Tower. For more information, including a map and directions to the new location, please visit the Duke Human Resources website.

Among its services, EOHW provides employment and travel health reviews, treatment of occupational illness and injury, occupational health surveillance, influenza vaccinations, FMLA and ADA reviews, and employee wellness programs through LIVE FOR LIFE.  


Clearing the VA - Some reminders for outgoing house staff

As you move on to accomplish other great things, there are a few items we would like you to complete on or before your last day of your last rotation at the Durham VAMC.

  1. Progress Notes/Discharge Summaries - Please make sure to sign (co-sign) or delete (if not needed) any progress notes and/or discharge summaries.  Any left unsigned will have to be reviewed by the Section Chief or Chief Resident for disposition.
  2. Alerts - Please clear all active alerts prior to leaving.  Also assign a surrogate in CPRS to receive any future alerts so that we can ensure any urgent clinical issues are addressed.  If you are unsure of who to assign as a surrogate, please talk to your section chief or Chief Resident (PRIME residents should speak with Dr. Patel or Leigh Wynkoop).
  3. Personal Lists - Please delete all personal lists created in Vista/CPRS (and remove yourself from any team lists).  If these lists are left, they will continue to generate unnecessary alerts that will go to your surrogate and either the surrogate, Section Chief, or Chief Resident will have to review before they could be deleted.
  4. Sticky Notes - Please review, resolve, and delete any "sticky notes".  These notes can only be seen by you so if there are actions that need to be taken after you're gone please document in the record or hand-off to a continuing clinical staff such as a team resident/fellow, mid-level, or other attending.
  5. PIV Card Reader - If you were issued a PIV Card Reader, please return it to me.  If I am not available, you can leave it in the Medical Service Office (C8017).

Thank you for your service to the Medical Service and Durham VAHCS.  We wish you only the best in your future endeavors!

Karen D. Higgins
Program Analyst/ADPAC
VA Medical Center


Feeling down? Need to talk to someone? Opportunities for Wellness

All trainees at Duke have FREE access to Personal Assistance Services (PAS), which is the faculty/employee assistance program of Duke University. The staff of licensed professionals offer confidential assessment, short-term counseling, and referrals to help resolve a range of personal, work, and family problems. PAS services are available free of charge to Duke faculty and staff, and their immediate family members. An appointment to meet with a PAS counselor may be arranged by calling the PAS office at 919-416-1PAS (919-416-1727), Monday through Friday between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. For assistance after hours, residents and fellows can call the Blood and Body Fluid Hotline (115 inside DUH, 919-684-1115 outside) for referral to behavioral health resources. Another resource is Duke Outpatient Psychiatry Referrals at (919) 684-0100 or 1-888-ASK-DUKE.

Upcoming Dates and Events

  • June 30 - Medicine Grand Rounds: Dr. Klotman's final State of the Department

