Internal Medicine Residency News, November 7, 2016

From the Director

November recruitment is off to a great start! We had a chance to meet some fantastic applicants (a.k.a. Future Duke Residents) on Tuesday and Friday, and look forward to continuing a fun, informative and productive recruitment season throughout November, December and January. Please also support our Med Peds colleagues as they kick off their recruitment efforts this week.

Special thanks to those who drew the lucky straw and got an extra hour overnight on Saturday night. Hope you had a chance to nap on Sunday and then enjoy some of the beautiful weather.

Residency Professional Development Coaching Program

Coaching pairing messages are out. Thanks to Karen Steinhauser and our fearless data manager Avi Alkon for all the work that went in to setting up the pairings. We look forward to many meaningful coach relationships to build over the year. We hope you can join us as well at the Meet Your Coach Happy Hour on Friday at West End. 


Kudos this week to David Sterken for his outstanding chair’s conference (with applicants!) and to everyone for arriving in time for the early start, and for great participation…Other kudos this week from Lakshmi Krishnan to David Sermer for excellent work as the DRH Dayfloat and to Johnny Komisar from Matt Labriola for being inspirational in his care of patients on neurology…to our tour guides Jenny Van Kirk, Maggie Moses, Megan Dupuis and Michael Grant as well as our first “MY TAKE” speakers Titus Ng’eno, Rachel Feder and Matt Labriola. I can’t stress enough how much meeting and talking with all of you makes the difference for our applicants, so a BIG thanks to all who are showing up and sharing their enthusiasm with people who will be your colleagues next Sky Vanderburg from Jenny Van Kirk for being an amazing VA CCU call buddy by helping out when the MICU was overflowing!...A shout out from Tessa Genders to Aditya Mandawat for "AMAZING teaching on cards nights, on behalf of myself, Tara Holder, and Justin Yoo. We were so lucky to have Adi on for two nights this past week!"

Kudos also to Sarah Nouri and Caroline Sloan, joined by Peter Kussin, Sue Woods and Lish Clark, who spearheaded the Faculty Teaching Guidelines document that went out today to the faculty.  This document focuses on inpatient teaching, and Larry Greenblatt has offered to help interested faculty and residents develop a similar set of guidelines for ambulatory medicine!  Please be in touch with Dani and me so we could help make this happen!

Gen Med spirit in full swing

Check out this team’s Friday Gen Med spirit!

ITE scores should be coming to you for discussion with your advisor … along with ITE scores is the burst of moonlighting requests from JARs! Please be on the lookout for the moonlighting information document that outlines all the rules, regulations, etc regarding moonlighting privileges. 

PubMed from the Program

This week’s highlight goes to Brittany Gatta for her poster "Palliative Care in the ICU: A Qualitative Study of MICU Physicians’ Beliefs & Practices" accepted to the 2017 Annual Assembly of Hospice and Palliative Care national meeting. Great work, Brittany!

Have a great week!


Clinic Corner: Ambulatory Care

Contributed by Daniella Zipkin, MD

  • Attention interns! Ambulatory Care Leadership Track applications are due December 31, 2016! Please see email under separate cover for full details and the brief application form.
  • JARs and SARs at DOC and Pickett have been receiving clinic related faxes through the med res office, which you receive in emails from Tia. We have discovered that the med res fax was put in to the Maestro build, which caused this problem. If you receive a fax on a clinic patient and you cannot get to it right away, please forward the email to your clinic nurse for assistance!!
  • Please be on the lookout for the new and improved, super-streamlined continuity clinic survey. It’s going to be fast and we really look forward to hearing your feedback!
  • THANK YOU to Jen Averitt and Lynsey Michnowicz for buckling down and mapping out ambulatory schedules for the rest of this year. It has been a huge effort, all aimed at improving your continuity with your patients and letting the clinics schedule further into future dates. Please thank them both when you stop in to the office!
  • THANK YOU to Aparna for adding depth and consistency to all the ambulatory templates for JARs and SARs this year, and being an overall rock star!!

From the Chief Residents

Morning Report and MGR: November 7-11, 2016
Date Topic Lecturer Time Location

Pulmonary Vasculature Issues

Talal Dahhan

7:15 a.m. DUH 8253

Pickett Road Clinic Ask the Expert Session on Sleep Disorders

Aatiff Hussain

7:15 a.m.

Pickett Road Clinic


ECG basics

Neil Freedman

7:15 a.m. DUH 8253

Case report: TBD


7:15 a.m. DUH 8253

Medicine Grand Rounds: Population Health or Single Payer - the Future is in our Hands

Robert Margolis

8:00 a.m. Great Hall of the Trent Semans Center


Noon Conference: November 7-11, 2016
Date Topic Lecturer Time Location Lunch

Applicant lunch


12:00 p.m. DUH 8723 Parker and Otis

Fluids and Electrolytes

Michael Berkoben 12:00 p.m. DUH 2002


11/9/16 Applicant lunch


12:00 p.m.

DUH 8723


Gallops: Ask the expert

Chet Patel, Tim Scialla, Harvey Cohen, Tom Holland

12:00 p.m.

DUH 2001

Cosmic Cantina

Chair's Conference


11:30 a.m. DUH 2002 Bull Street

From the Residency Office


Keep an eye out for emails that have the recruitment graphic—these messages mean we need your help or response.

Feeling down? Need to talk to someone? Opportunities for Wellness

All trainees at Duke have FREE access to Personal Assistance Services (PAS), which is the faculty/employee assistance program of Duke University. The staff of licensed professionals offer confidential assessment, short-term counseling, and referrals to help resolve a range of personal, work, and family problems. PAS services are available free of charge to Duke faculty and staff, and their immediate family members. An appointment to meet with a PAS counselor may be arranged by calling the PAS office at 919-416-1PAS (919-416-1727), Monday through Friday between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. For assistance after hours, residents and fellows can call the Blood and Body Fluid Hotline (115 inside DUH, 919-684-1115 outside) for referral to behavioral health resources. Another resource is Duke Outpatient Psychiatry Referrals at (919) 684-0100 or 1-888-ASK-DUKE.

Office hours for program leaders

Please feel free to stop by during these times and of course always feel free to reach out to program leaders to set up a meeting outside of these times if needed.

  • Aimee Zaas: Thursday, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Upcoming Dates and Events

  • November 24 - Turkey Bowl
  • December 7 - Fellowship Match

Useful links

