Internal Medicine Residency News, September 22, 2014

By residency1

From the Director

DUKE.RESEARCH.NIGHT.03 (1)Hope you are having a great weekend! Block 4 for interns starts today! The ERAS applications opened this week and we already have over 2800 intern applicants.  Turkey Bowl practice is in full swing (thank you to JAY MAST for keeping everyone organized and excited for the upcoming VA vs Duke annual match-up).  Right now, the flu shot competition is ongoing….help your Stead Society be the first to get 100% vaccinated.  Last year, our entire residency was vaccinated in 10 days! Can we beat it?  See below for current standings! Shots available at Duke, DRH and the clinics to all Duke employees – bring your ID! Lish Clarke may even use her blue flu shot bandaid as "something blue" in her upcoming wedding (well, maybe not, but that is a sign of how dedicated we are to STOPPING THE FLU!) Kudos this week go to Joanne Wyrembak for an outstanding chair's conference of a case of a gentleman with Pott's disease.  Other kudos go to Amy Jones for offering 3 Duke football tickets to everyone (as well as a belated thanks to Dr. Chris O'Connor for offering tickets the past few weeks) and to Matt Atkins from Pascale Khairallah for being an outstanding team leader at the VA.   Also kudos to all who presented at our resident M and M this week – great discussion led by Lish and Aaron, with outstanding presentations by many of you.  Your participation and willingness to share is much appreciated and truly helps us build a culture of safety here in our program.  We are also excited about the upcoming Choosing Wisely-Duke Med Res initiative – the meeting was well attended with support from Lish, Aaron and Dr. Woods, and some fantastic ideas for our campaign were discussed. Thank you also to everyone who has updated their resident profile for the website.  Applicants tell us that the #1 thing they look at in a program is the residents, and we want to keep getting outstanding people like you into the program! Thank you to Sarah Rivelli for compiling a list of support resources for house staff.  The list can be found in Medhub in a resource folder labeled "Support".  We also have our upcoming "G-briefing" of difficult cases with Dr. Galanos on Friday at noon.  Please feel free to attend! Get ready for the Fourth Annual DOCTOBERFEST: This is OUR Community, October 1 - 31, 2014 We are working to build our community, within the program, within Durham and globally.  Highlights will include daily trivia, peer recognition, donation of some of our food dollars to local hunger related charities and increased focus on our "Go Green" initiative.  If you have ideas about how we can further build our community, whether within the program, in Durham or globally, please let me or Jen Averitt know and we will work to incorporate those ideas into Doctoberfest! This week's pubmed from the program goes to Ani Kumar for his upcoming ORAL ABSTRACT PRESENTATION at the American Heart Association annual meeting "Persistent Thrombocytopenia after Myocardial Infarction is Associated with Increased Short- and Long-Term Mortality". Have a great week! Aimee [divider] [box]

What Did I Read This Week?

The "What Did I Read This Week" feature will return next week!



Clinic Corner


VA PRIME Clinic Corner

 Hi everyone, PRIME clinic is celebrating its 20th year of service providing resident education and care to our veterans.  There will be an open house on October 17th at 11-1pm.   Please stop by and join in the celebration. Also for those of you that were not aware… we are collecting patient and staff feedback in the form of “WOW” awards.  Each month we tally the comments and present an ImPACT award to the person with that shows caring and dedication to PRIME clinic and helping our veterans.  For the month of August,  Marc Samsky won!  Please stop and congratulate him when you see him next.   I also wanted to share some positive comments that we have received: Dr. Brown On every appointment You are great and I noticed!!! Professional, caring Doctor always listens and helps with meds.  Enjoy my relationship with the VA and prime D people.   Dr. Boutte On 07/07/2014 You are great and I noticed!!! Prime visit, great service   Everyone On 07/09/2014 You are great and I noticed!!! Always have had excellent care with respect   Dr. Titerence On 07/09/2014 You are great and I noticed!!! Excellent attitude, very caring (Great Person)   Doctor Broderick On 07/09/2014 You are great and I noticed!!! Very good doctor take time to explain everything to me and she cares about my health.   Dr. Foster On 07/21/2014 You are great and I noticed!!! Dr. Foster is a credit to the VA-shows great concern for me the patient and explains clearly diagnosis and possible remedies-Great lady! Please know that your passion for PRIME clinic does NOT go unnoticed.  Staff and veterans are so honored to work with you as you complete your residency.  Thank you for all that you do and please stop by to celebrate 20 years of excellent service. PRIME staff


QI Corner

[caption id="attachment_16361" align="aligncenter" width="127"]Aaron Mitchell, MD Aaron Mitchell, MD[/caption] Thanks to everyone who came out this week for our M&M “special edition” of procedure-related events. And, of course, an even bigger thanks to Matt, Jonathan, Jay, Aparna, Adam, and Marc for volunteering to discuss their cases with us. Remember – always confirm you are in the vein before dilating, and NEVER recap a sharp! The high-value care team also had a great meeting this week, and came up with some great ideas for ways to reign in wasteful testing and spending here at Duke. Stay tuned as these plans start to get underway.  

From the Chief Residents

Grand Rounds

Fri., Sept.26, 2014: Neurology, Dr. Richard Bedlack: ALS and Patient Advocacy

Noon Conference

Date Topic Lecturer Time Vendor
9/22/14 SAR Emergency Series: Alcohol Withdrawal Nick Wisnoski 12:15 Picnic Basket
9/23/14 SAR Emergency Series: Septic Shock Mike Woodworth 12:15 Domino's
9/24/14 Residency Council Town Hall Residency Council 12:15 Cosmic Cantina
9/25/14 Videoconference: Ebola in Nigeria Faisal Shuaib  12:15 Subway
 9/26/14  Research Conference/Debriefing  Room 2002  12:00 Panera

From the Residency Office

Flu Vaccination Blitz is On!!

As you know, Duke University Health System (DUHS) requires all healthcare workers who perform their duties in a DUHS facility or a community home-based setting to be vaccinated annually against the flu. This is in alignment with our core value of “caring for our patients, their loved ones and each other.” Annual vaccination against influenza, or policy compliance through a granted medical or religious exemption, is a condition of employment for all DUHS employees. Annual vaccination or policy compliance is also a condition of access to Duke Medicine facilities for those holding clinical privileges in a Duke Medicine facility and learners who wish to train in our facilities.

With this in mind, please note these key dates for this flu vaccination season:

  • Start of Flu Vaccination Season: Thursday, September 18, 2014
  • Applications for Medical or Religious Exemption should be submitted before Friday, October 17, 2014.  This will allow sufficient time for review and for communication of the review decision. Please note: Due to the availability of an egg-free formulation of the flu vaccine, egg allergy will no longer be a valid reason for a medical exemption.
  • Policy compliance through vaccination or granted exemption by Monday, November 17, 2014

A schedule of vaccination clinics is posted on the employee intranet at  This list will be updated throughout the flu season. Vaccination is also available at Employee Occupational Health and Wellness (EOHW) during business hours.

If you have questions about the flu vaccine or its availability, please visit the DUHS Influenza Resource Guide or, ask your manager or contact EOHW.

Together, we can stop the flu. Thank you for your commitment to keeping our patients, and our community, safe and healthy.

Flu Vaccination Rates by Stead Society as of 9/22/14:

Martin - 63.3%

Warren - 43.2%

Orgain - 36.4%

Kerby - 36.4%

Kempner - 14.3%

Program as a whole (including all combined programs)  - 38.1%


Register Now for BLS Blitz - November 10-14, 2014

Use the Swank system to register for BLS classes.  If you do not have an account in Swank contact the DHTS Service Desk 919-684-2243 to establish an account.  You may register for one session.  Detailed Registration Instructions and Informational Flyer When you attend class, arrive 15 minutes before session begins and you must have your:
  • Class Registration Confirmation
  • Duke ID Badge
  • AHA BLS Healthcare Provider Manual 2010
All sessions are held at Hock Plaza - G07 Auditorium. Parking is not available at Hock Plaza. No one will be admitted to the session after it starts or if you do not have your AHA BLS manual.  

Women In Medicine Event

The Duke Medical Alumni Association invites you to join us for the inaugural Women in Medicine Luncheon and Program Friday, October 17, 2014  |  11:45am-1:45pm Great Hall, Trent Semans Center for Health Education The luncheon program features a panel discussion of Duke Medicine alumnae followed by roundtable conversations on issues specific to women in medicine.    

The Residency Office is now Green Certified!

Thanks to efforts led by Lauren Dincher, our office is now a certified a Duke Green Workplace! We will be including more information about how everyone can become more involved with improving your home and work environments in the coming weeks as part of DOCTOBERFEST - stay tuned!    

Now Accepting Applications for Global Health Elective Rotations

 hyc_logo_lrg     Developing the next generation of globally educated, socially responsible healthcare professionals dedicated to improving the health of disadvantaged populations. Accepting Applications for Global Health Elective Rotations The Hubert-Yeargan Center for Global Health (HYC) is now accepting applications for Global Health Elective Rotations for July 2015 and March 2016. Application is open to residents from Departments of Medicine: Internal Medicine (PGY 2); Med-Peds (PGY 3) and Med-Psych (PGY 4). Access the application form and FAQ at or submit online (Application addendum is available by request – Application deadline is September 30, 2014. Interviews held during October. We strongly encourage you to speak with past participants to get a better idea of what daily life is like on the wards of your top sites. For more information, contact Tara Pemble, Program Coordinator at or 668-8352. IMG_1251

ETHOS for Noon Conference Attendance Tracking!

AS of 9/8/14 we now ONLY use ETHOS for tracking attendance.  Most of you should already have an ETHOS account which you use for tracking your attendance at Grand Rounds, but EVERYONE should read the following instructions carefully, as it applies to new and current account holders.  You MUST have your Duke Unique ID entered in to you ETHOS account in order for the system to work properly!  Please make sure that you enter your Duke Unique ID and NOT your Net ID!  If your unique ID is entered incorrectly, you will not get credit for attending the conference!

How do I Set up an ETHOS account for the first time?

How to register with Ethos

  • Go to the Duke Continuing Medical Education home page.
  • In the upper right corner, click Join. The Account Information page opens.
  • Complete the fields on the screen. A field with an asterisk is required.
  • NOTE:  Please make sure you include your Duke Unique ID– even though it does not show as a required field.
  • Be sure to include your mobile phone number; you will use this number to send a text message with a code supplied at each event and get credit for CME events you attend.
  • At the bottom of the account information form, click Create New Account. A green feedback message near the top of the screen informs you that a confirmation has been sent to the email address you provided.
  • Open the email (from and click the top link in the body of the message.
  • In your browser window, enter a password of your choice in both fields and note your user name. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
  • In the same window, click the Mobile settings tab in the gray menu bar at the top of the page. If you entered your mobile number when you registered, it should appear on this page. Click confirm number. You will receive a text message to that mobile number with a confirmation code from DCRI CME.
  • Enter the confirmation code in the box in your browser window and click Confirm Number. A message will appear below your number saying “Your number has been confirmed.”
  • Now when you attend an event for CME credit you can use your registered mobile phone to text the provided event codes and earn CME credit.

To record your CME attendance via text message, follow these steps

  • The 6-character SMS code will be provided on a slide during your CME event.
  • Begin a new text message on your registered mobile phone. Note: The provided code is only good for eight hours. You must text the code the day you attend Medicine Grand Rounds.
  • In the To field, enter the Duke CME phone number: 919-213-8033. Tip: Add this number to your mobile phone contacts.
  • In the message area, type the 6-character SMS code that was provided during the session (note: this code is not case sensitive).
  • Press send.
  • If you have set up your Ethos account, you will receive the successful confirmation text message, “Your attendance has been recorded for “[Name of Session].”

To add your Duke Unique ID to your account

  • Log into Ethos by visiting the Duke Continuing Education home page and click Log In at the top right of the page.
  • Enter your username and password. Click My Account in the upper right corner.
  • Under My Profile, click Edit
  • Scroll down until you see Duke Unique ID filed.  make sure it is correct
  • Save the changes to you My Profile page


September 14 Resp Fit Testing-T-Dap-TB Skin Testing Flyer2

Physician Career Advancement and Workshop - 9/23/14, Chapel Hill

2015 - 2017 Kraft Fellowship in Community Health (Deadline 10/15/14)

Duke Headache Specialist  

Upcoming Dates and Events

September 26 - "The G-Briefing" with Dr. Galanos

October 1 - DOCTOBERFEST begins!

October 27, 2014 - Recruitment Kick-Off Event

December 13, 2014 - DoM Holiday Party

Useful links
